Vitamin A and D deficiencies in the prognosis of respiratory tract infections: A systematic review with perspectives for COVID-19 and a critical analysis on supplementation Vitamin A and D deficiencies: Perspectives for COVID-19
Maria Izabel Siqueira De Andradea, Tafnes Laís, Pereira Santos De Oliveirac, Niedja Maria, Silva Limad, Isabella Da Costa Ribeiroc, Thayná Menezes Santosd, Maria Izabel Siqueira
Individual Collaboration: Maria Izabel Siqueira de Andrade: study design, bibliographic search, database construction, data analysis, interpretation of results, writing, review and approval of the final version of the manuscript. Patrícia Fortes Cavalcanti de Macêdo: study design, bibliographic search, database construction, data analysis, interpretation of results, writing, review and approval of the final version of the manuscript. Tafnes Laís Pereira Santos de Oliveira: study design, bibliographic search, database construction, data analysis, interpretation of results, writing, review and approval of the final version of the manuscript. Niedja Maria da Silva Lima: study design, bibliographic search, database construction, data analysis, review and approval of the final version. Isabella da Costa Ribeiro: data analysis, writing, review and approval of the final version of the manuscript. Thayná Menezes Santos: bibliographic search, data analysis, review and approval of the final version.
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{ 'indexed': {'date-parts': [[2023, 8, 16]], 'date-time': '2023-08-16T07:36:17Z', 'timestamp': 1692171377110},
'posted': {'date-parts': [[2020, 6, 28]]},
'reference-count': 0,
'publisher': 'FapUNIFESP (SciELO)',
'license': [ { 'start': { 'date-parts': [[2020, 6, 28]],
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'content-domain': {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False},
'abstract': '<jats:p>OBJECTIVE: Considering the rapid spread of COVID-19, the scientific community has '
'been looking for ways to recognize factors that may interfere with the outcome of viral '
'infection. Despite the lack of studies with the new coronavirus, it is known that adequate '
'serum levels of micronutrients are essential for the organic response to infectious diseases. '
'Thus, we aim to review the effects of vitamin A, D, iron, zinc, or folate deficiency on the '
'prognosis of patients with respiratory infections with manifestations similar to COVID-19 and '
'discuss about supplementation of the nutrients analyzed in this review. METHODS: The search '
'was conducted in the databases PubMed, Lilacs, and SciELO, including observational studies '
'published between 2010-2020, with results for individuals with respiratory tract infections '
'with manifestations similar to COVID-19. RESULTS: Six articles met the inclusion criteria, '
'all of which were related to deficiencies of vitamins A and D. In general, vitamin A '
'deficiency was associated with cough, fever, and greater total respiratory resistance. '
'Regarding vitamin D, the lack of this nutrient led to higher rates of ICU admission, the need '
'for mechanical ventilation, and mortality. Evidence linking specific relationships between '
'nutritional deficiencies and COVID-19 remain lacking due to the small number of studies and '
'heterogeneities in population subgroups. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, deficiencies of vitamins '
'A and D seem to negatively affect the prognosis of respiratory tract infections. '
'Supplementation of these nutrients for prevention or treatment of patients diagnosed with '
'COVID-19 should respect serum levels, nutritional status and housing conditions (e.g.,endemic '
'location) of individuals.</jats:p>',
'DOI': '10.1590/scielopreprints.839',
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'review with perspectives for COVID-19 and a critical analysis on supplementation',
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