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The effect of zinc supplementation on the course of COVID-19 – A systematic review and meta-analysis

Olczak-Pruc et al., Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, doi:10.26444/aaem/155846
Nov 2022  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Mortality, day 30 39% Improvement Relative Risk Mortality 29% Zinc for COVID-19  Olczak-Pruc et al.  META ANALYSIS Favorszinc Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
Zinc for COVID-19
2nd treatment shown to reduce risk in July 2020, now with p = 0.00000032 from 46 studies, recognized in 22 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,500+ studies for 118 treatments.
Systematic review and meta analysis of 9 zinc studies, showing significantly lower in-hospital mortality with treatment.
6 meta analyses show significant improvements with zinc for mortality1-5, severity6, and cases6.
Currently there are 46 zinc treatment for COVID-19 studies, showing 30% lower mortality [12‑44%], 40% lower ventilation [2‑63%], 24% lower ICU admission [-5‑46%], 20% lower hospitalization [4‑34%], and 22% fewer cases [-10‑45%].
risk of death, 39.0% lower, OR 0.61, p = 0.08, day 30, RR approximated with OR.
risk of death, 29.0% lower, OR 0.71, p < 0.001, in-hospital mortality, RR approximated with OR.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Olczak-Pruc et al., 3 Nov 2022, peer-reviewed, 11 authors. Contact:
This PaperZincAll
The effect of zinc supplementation on the course of COVID-19 – A systematic review and meta-analysis
Monika Olczak-Pruc, Lukasz Szarpak, Alla Navolokina, Jaroslaw Chmielewski, Lech Panasiuk, Raúl Juárez-Vela, Michal Pruc, B,D,F Damian Swieczkowski, Ryszard Majer, Zubaid Rafique, Frank William Peacock
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, doi:10.26444/aaem/155846
Introduction and Objective. Zinc is a trace element that plays a role in stimulating innate and acquired immunity. The aim of the study was to determine the antiviral effect of the administration of zinc in COVID-19 patients. Materials and Method. A literature search was performed in P Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane databases from 1 January 2020 -22 August 2022. In addition, reference lists of the included articles and their related citations in PubMed were also reviewed for additional pertinent studies. Results. A total of 9 eligible studies were identified. In-hospital mortality in zinc supplementation patients, and patients treated without zinc, varied and amounted to 21.6% vs. 23.04% difference (OR=0.71; 95%CI: 0.62-0.81; p<0.001). 28-day to 30-day mortality in patients treated with zinc was 7.7%, compared to 11.9% for patients treated without zinc (OR=0.61; 95%CI: 0.35-1.06; p=0.08). In-hospital adverse events among patients treated with and without COVID-19 did not show any statistically significant differences in relation to acute kidney injury occurrence (12.8% vs. 12.4%, respectively; OR=0.63; 95%CI: 0.19-2.12; p=0.45, as well as need for mechanical ventilation (13.2% vs. 14.1%; OR=0.83; 95%CI: 0.52-1.32; p=0.43). Conclusions. Zinc supplementation is associated with lower COVID-19 in-hospital mortality. Additionally, it is risk-free in COVID-19 patients since there have been no negative side effects, such as acute renal damage or the requirement for mechanical ventilation compared to patients without COVID-19. Due to scientific evidence and the role it represents in the human body, zinc supplementation should be taken into consideration for COVID-19 patients as an adjunct therapy.
Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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