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Factors influencing the severity of COVID-19 course for patients with diabetes mellitus in tashkent: a retrospective cohort study

Alieva et al., Obesity and metabolism, doi:10.14341/omet12801
Jun 2023  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Hospitalization 15% Improvement Relative Risk Metformin for COVID-19  Alieva et al.  Prophylaxis Is prophylaxis with metformin beneficial for COVID-19? Retrospective 763 patients in Uzbekistan (April - December 2020) Lower hospitalization with metformin (not stat. sig., p=0.56) Alieva et al., Obesity and metabolism, Jun 2023 Favorsmetformin Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
Metformin for COVID-19
3rd treatment shown to reduce risk in July 2020, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 104 studies.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,500+ studies for 119 treatments.
Retrospective 763 COVID-19 patients with type 2 diabetes in Uzbekistan, showing lower hospitalization with metformin use in unadjusted results, without statistical significance.
Although the 15% lower hospitalization is not statistically significant, it is consistent with the significant 17% lower hospitalization [11‑23%] from meta analysis of the 25 hospitalization results to date.
This study is excluded in the after exclusion results of meta analysis: unadjusted results with no group details.
risk of hospitalization, 15.3% lower, OR 0.85, p = 0.56, treatment 375, control 388, RR approximated with OR.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Alieva et al., 6 Jun 2023, retrospective, Uzbekistan, peer-reviewed, 9 authors, study period April 2020 - December 2020.
This PaperMetforminAll
Factors influencing the severity of COVID-19 course for patients with diabetes mellitus in tashkent: a retrospective cohort study
Anna V Alieva, Abdulaziz A Djalilov, Feruza A Khaydarova, Anvar V Alimov, Dilovar Z Khalilova, Vasila A Talenova, Nasiba U Alimova, Malika D Aripova, Akida S Sadikova
Obesity and metabolism, doi:10.14341/omet12801
Tashkent city health department, Uzbekistan BACKGROUND: Since the very first outbreak, scientists have been trying to determine the most critical pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of COVID-19 and related complications, analyze individual subpopulations of patients with chronic diseases and develop optimal tactics to combat not only the infection itself but also its acute and chronic complications. AIM: to assess the COVID-19 course among patients with Type 1 and Type 2 DM. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of Tashkent inhabitants, who had COVID-19 from April to December 2020, was performed. The data were obtained from the single electronic database of registered cases of COVID-19. All data were analyzed using a logistic regression in STATA 17.0 software. Further, the matched case-control study was performed for patients with type 2 DM and no DM based on age, gender, and BMI. RESULTS: Of the 5023 analyzed subjects, 72.63% had no diabetes mellitus (DM), 4.24% had type 1 DM, 15.19% had type 2 DM, and 7.94% was diagnosed with DM during the COVID-19 infection. DM, overweight, and obesity were associated with severe COVID-19; the most significant risk of a severe course was found in persons with type 2 DM. The risk of a lethal outcome and the need for prescription of glucocorticoids did not show a significant association with diabetes in Tashkent. The clinical features of COVID-19 were more common in patients with type 2 DM, especially for shortness of breath, chest pain, and arrhythmia. The persons receiving SU have complained of dyspnea significantly more often than matched patients without DM. Metformin and DPP4i were the groups of drugs that were not associated with significantly increased risk of hospitalization of patients because of COVID-19. The matched case-control study did not reveal statistically significant differences in the disease course severity, need for hospitalization and glucocorticoids, and death depending on the glucose-lowering therapy preceding the onset of COVID-19. CONCLUSION: Diabetes, age and overweight/obesity were associated with severe course of COVID-19 in Tashkent. There was no statistical difference in COVID-19 severity depending on initial glucose-lowering therapy.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Funding. This study was funded by the grant by the Ministry of Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan A-CC-2021-139. Conflict of interest
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Акида Саттаровна, Phd, Akida, Sadikova, Phd et al., -mail: *Автор, ответственный за переписку / Corresponding author, doi:10.14341/omet12801TOCITETHISARTICLE
Алиева, Валерьевна, Anna, Alieva, Md, адрес: Республика Узбекистан, 100125, Ташкент, ул. Мирзо Улугбека, д. 56 [address: 56, M. Ulugbek str
Информация Об Авторах, None
Малика Дильшадовна, Md [malika, Aripova, Orcid, None
Насиба, None, PhD [Nasiba U. Alimova, PhD
DOI record: { "DOI": "10.14341/omet12801", "ISSN": [ "2306-5524", "2071-8713" ], "URL": "", "abstract": "<jats:p><jats:bold>BACKGROUND: </jats:bold>Since the very first outbreak, scientists have been trying to determine the most critical pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of COVID-19 and related complications, analyze individual subpopulations of patients with chronic diseases and develop optimal tactics to combat not only the infection itself but also its acute and chronic complications.</jats:p><jats:p><jats:bold>AIM:</jats:bold> to assess the COVID-19 course among patients with Type 1 and Type 2 DM.</jats:p><jats:p><jats:bold>MATERIALS AND METHODS: </jats:bold>A retrospective cohort study of Tashkent inhabitants, who had COVID-19 from April to D ecember 2020, was performed. The data were obtained from the single electronic database of registered cases of COVID-19. All data were analyzed using a logistic regression in STATA 17.0 software. Further, the matched case-control study was performed for patients with type 2 DM and no DM based on age, gender, and BMI.</jats:p><jats:p><jats:bold>RESULTS: </jats:bold>Of the 5023 analyzed subjects, 72.63% had no diabetes mellitus (DM), 4.24% had type 1 DM, 15.19% had type 2 DM, and 7.94% was diagnosed with DM during the COVID-19 infection. DM, overweight, and obesity were associated with severe COVID-19; the most significant risk of a severe course was found in persons with type 2 DM. The risk of a lethal outcome and the need for prescription of glucocorticoids did not show a significant association with diabetes in Tashkent. The clinical features of COVID-19 were more common in patients with type 2 DM, especially for shortness of breath, chest pain, and arrhythmia. The persons receiving SU have complained of dyspnea significantly more often than matched patients without DM. Metformin and DPP4i were the groups of drugs that were not associated with significantly increased risk of hospitalization of patients because of COVID-19. The matched case-control study did not reveal statistically significant differences in the disease course severity, need for hospitalization and glucocorticoids, and death depending on the glucose-lowering therapy preceding the onset of COVID-19.</jats:p><jats:p><jats:bold>CONCLUSION: </jats:bold>Diabetes, age and overweight/obesity were associated with severe course of COVID-19 in Tashkent. There was no statistical difference in COVID-19 severity depending on initial glucose-lowering therapy.</jats:p>", "author": [ { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Alieva", "given": "A. V.", "sequence": "first" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Westminster International University in Tashkent" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Djalilov", "given": "A. A.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Khaydarova", "given": "F. A.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Tashkent city health department" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Alimov", "given": "A. V.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Khalilova", "given": "D. Z.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Talenova", "given": "V. A.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Alimova", "given": "N. U.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Aripova", "given": "M. D.", "sequence": "additional" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "Republican Specialized Scientific-and-Practical Medical Centre of Endocrinology named after academician Ya.Kh.Turakulov" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Sadikova", "given": "A. 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Risk Factors Associated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Death in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA Intern Med. 2020;180(7):934-943. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.0994." }, { "DOI": "10.4103/2230-8210.94253", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref2", "unstructured": "Casqueiro J, Casqueiro J, Alves C. Infections in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Review of Pathogenesis. Indian J Endocrinol Metabol. 2012. 16(Suppl1):S27-S36." }, { "DOI": "10.1002/dmrr.682", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref3", "unstructured": "Peleg Y, Weerarathna T, McCarthy JS, Davis T. Common Infections in Diabetes: Pathogenesis, Management and Relationship to Glycaemic Control. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2007 Jan;23(1):3-13. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.682" }, { "DOI": "10.1002/dmrr.3319", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref4", "unstructured": "Guo W, Li M, Dong Y, Zhou H, Zhang Z, Tian C, et al. Dia-betes is a risk factor for the progression and prognosis of COVID-19. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2020;36:e3319" }, { "DOI": "10.1183/13993003.01227-2020", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref5", "unstructured": "Guan WJ, Liang WH, Zhao Y, Liang HR, Chen ZS, Li YM, et al. Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with CO-VID-19 in China: a nationwide analysis. Eur Respir J 2020; 55:2000547." }, { "DOI": "10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30272-2", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref6", "unstructured": "Barron E., Bakhai Ch., Kar P., Weaver A., Bradley D., Ismail H., et al. Associations of type 1 and type 2 diabetes with COVID-19-related mortality in England: a whole-population study. Vol 8 October 2020 813-822 doi:10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30272-2" }, { "DOI": "10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30271-0", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref7", "unstructured": "Holman N., Knighton P., Kar P., O’Keefe J., Curley M., Weaver A., Barron E., Bakhai Ch., Khunti K., Wareham N.J., Sattar N., Young B., Jonathan Valabhji et al. Risk factors for COVID-19-related mortality in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England: a population-based cohort study. Vol 8 October 2020 P.823-833. S2213-8587(20)30271-0" }, { "DOI": "10.1016/j.dsx.2020.12.026", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref8", "unstructured": "Singh AK, Singh R, Saboo B, Misra A. Non-insulin anti-diabetic agents in patients with type 2 diabetes and COVID-19: A Critical Appraisal of Literature. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021 Jan-Feb;15(1):159-167. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2020.12.026. Epub 2020 Dec 15. 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