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Remdesivir plus standard of care versus standard of care alone for the treatment of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (DisCoVeRy): a phase 3, randomised, controlled, open-label trial

Ader et al., Lancet Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00485-0, DISCOVERY, NCT04315948
Sep 2021  
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Mortality, day 28 6% Improvement Relative Risk Mortality, day 15 12% 7-point scale 10% 7-point scale (b) -2% Remdesivir  DISCOVERY  LATE TREATMENT  RCT Is late treatment with remdesivir beneficial for COVID-19? RCT 832 patients in multiple countries (March 2020 - January 2021) No significant difference in outcomes seen Ader et al., Lancet Infectious Diseases, Sep 2021 Favorsremdesivir Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
RCT 857 hospitalized patients, showing no significant differences with remdesivir treatment. EudraCT2020-000936-23.
Gérard, Zhou, Wu, Kamo, Choi show significantly increased risk of acute kidney injury with remdesivir.
Remdesivir efficacy disappears with longer followup. Mixed-effects meta-regression of efficacy as a function of followup duration across all remdesivir studies shows decreasing efficacy with longer followup6. This may reflect antiviral efficacy being offset by serious adverse effects of treatment.
Followup duration (days) Efficacy Remdesivir mortality efficacy decreases with longer followup 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 -25% 0% 25% 50% October 2024 mixed-effects meta-regression slope -0.58 [95% CI -0.92 to -0.24] p=0.00089
risk of death, 6.4% lower, RR 0.94, p = 0.77, treatment 34 of 414 (8.2%), control 37 of 418 (8.9%), NNT 156, adjusted per study, odds ratio converted to relative risk, day 28.
risk of death, 11.7% lower, RR 0.88, p = 0.76, treatment 21 of 414 (5.1%), control 24 of 418 (5.7%), NNT 149, day 15.
risk of 7-point scale, 9.9% lower, OR 0.90, p = 0.39, treatment 414, control 418, inverted to make OR<1 favor treatment, 28 days, RR approximated with OR.
risk of 7-point scale, 2.0% higher, OR 1.02, p = 0.85, treatment 414, control 418, inverted to make OR<1 favor treatment, 15 days, RR approximated with OR.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Ader et al., 14 Sep 2021, Randomized Controlled Trial, multiple countries, peer-reviewed, 17 authors, study period 22 March, 2020 - 21 January, 2021, average treatment delay 9.0 days, trial NCT04315948 (history) (DISCOVERY).
This PaperRemdesivirAll
Remdesivir plus standard of care versus standard of care alone for the treatment of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (DisCoVeRy): a phase 3, randomised, controlled, open-label trial
Prof Florence Ader, Maude Bouscambert-Duchamp, Maya Hites, Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, Julien Poissy, Drifa Belhadi, MD Alpha Diallo, Minh-Patrick Lê, Gilles Peytavin, Thérèse Staub, Richard Greil, Jérémie Guedj, Jose-Artur Paiva, PhD Dominique Costagliola, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Charles Burdet, France Mentré, Alexander Egle, Richard Greil, Michael Joannidis, Bernd Lamprecht, Antoine Altdorfer, Leila Belkhir, Vincent Fraipont, Maya Hites, Gil Verschelden, Jérôme Aboab, Prof Florence Ader, Hafid Ait-Oufella, Claire Andrejak, Pascal Andreu, Laurent Argaud, Firouzé Bani-Sadr, François Benezit, Mathieu Blot, Elisabeth Botelho-Nevers, Lila Bouadma, Olivier Bouchaud, David Bougon, Kevin Bouiller, Fanny Bounes-Vardon, David Boutoille, Alexandre Boyer, Cédric Bruel, André Cabié, Emmanuel Canet, Charles Cazanave, Cyrille Chabartier, Catherine Chirouze, Raphaël Clere-Jehl, Johan Courjon, Flora Crockett, François Danion, Agathe Delbove, Jean Dellamonica, Félix Djossou, Clément Dubost, Alexandre Duvignaud, Olivier Epaulard, Loïc Epelboin, Murielle Fartoukh, Karine Faure, Emmanuel Faure, Tristan Ferry, Cécile Ficko, Samy Figueiredo, Benjamin Gaborit, Rostane Gaci, Amandine Gagneux-Brunon, Sébastien Gallien, Denis Garot, Guillaume Geri, Sébastien Gibot, François Goehringer, Marie Gousseff, Didier Gruson, Yves Hansmann, Olivier Hinschberger, Stéphane Jaureguiberry, Vanessa Jeanmichel, Solen Kerneis, Antoine Kimmoun, Kada Klouche, Marie Lachâtre, Karine Lacombe, Fabrice Laine, Jean-Philippe Lanoix, Odile Launay, Bruno Laviolle, Vincent Le Moing, Jérôme Le Pavec, Yves Le Tulzo, Paul Le Turnier, David Lebeaux, Benjamin Lefevre, Sylvie Leroy, François-Xavier Lescure, Henry Lessire, Benjamin Leveau, Paul Loubet, Alain Makinson, Denis Malvy, Charles-Hugo Marquette, Guillaume Martin-Blondel, Martin Martinot, Julien Mayaux, Armand Mekontso-Dessap, Ferhat Meziani, Jean-Paul Mira, Jean-Michel Molina, Xavier Monnet, Joy Mootien, Bruno Mourvillier, Marlène Murris-Espin, Jean-Christophe Navellou, Saad Nseir, Walid Oulehri, Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, Thomas Perpoint, Gilles Pialoux, Benoît Pilmis, Vincent Piriou, Lionel Piroth, Julien Poissy, Valérie Pourcher, Jean-Pierre Quenot, François Raffi, Jean Reignier, Matthieu Revest, Jean-Christophe Richard, Béatrice Riu-Poulenc, Céline Robert, Pierre-Alexandre Roger, Claire Roger, Elisabeth Rouveix-Nordon, Yvon Ruch, Nadia Saidani, Naomi Sayre, Eric Senneville, Albert Sotto, Francois Stefan, Charles Tacquard, Nicolas Terzi, Julien Textoris, Guillaume Thiery, Jean-François Timsit, Violaine Tolsma, Jean-Marie Turmel, Florent Valour, Florent Wallet, Guilhem Wattecamps, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Yoann Zerbib, Marc Berna, Jean Reuter, Thérèse Staub, Sandra Braz, Joao-Miguel Ferreira Ribeiro, José-Artur Paiva, Roberto Roncon-Albuquerque, Maude Bouscambert-Duchamp, Alexandre Gaymard, Minh-Patrick Lê, Bruno Lina, Gilles Peytavin, Sarah Tubiana, Sandrine Couffin-Cadièrgues, Hélène Esperou, Drifa Belhadi, Charles Burdet, PhD Dominique Costagliola, Aline Dechanet, Christelle Delmas, MD Alpha Diallo, Claire Fougerou, Jérémie Guedj, France Mentré, Noémie Mercier, Marion Noret, Juliette Saillard, Priyanka Velou
The Lancet Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1016/s1473-3099(21)00485-0
Background The antiviral efficacy of remdesivir against SARS-CoV-2 is still controversial. We aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of remdesivir plus standard of care compared with standard of care alone in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19, with indication of oxygen or ventilator support. Methods DisCoVeRy was a phase 3, open-label, adaptive, multicentre, randomised, controlled trial conducted in 48 sites in Europe (France, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Luxembourg). Adult patients (aged ≥18 years) admitted to hospital with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and illness of any duration were eligible if they had clinical evidence of hypoxaemic pneumonia, or required oxygen supplementation. Exclusion criteria included elevated liver enzymes, severe chronic kidney disease, any contraindication to one of the studied treatments or their use in the 29 days before random assignment, or use of ribavirin, as well as pregnancy or breastfeeding. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1:1) to receive standard of care alone or in combination with remdesivir, lopinavir-ritonavir, lopinavir-ritonavir and interferon beta-1a, or hydroxychloroquine. Randomisation used computer-generated blocks of various sizes; it was stratified on severity of disease at inclusion and on European administrative region. Remdesivir was administered as 200 mg intravenous infusion on day 1, followed by once daily, 1-h infusions of 100 mg up to 9 days, for a total duration of 10 days. It could be stopped after 5 days if the participant was discharged. The primary outcome was the clinical status at day 15 measured by the WHO seven-point ordinal scale, assessed in the intentionto-treat population. Safety was assessed in the modified intention-to-treat population and was one of the secondary outcomes. This trial is registered with the European Clinical Trials Database, EudraCT2020-000936-23, and, NCT04315948. Findings Between March 22 , 2020, and Jan 21 , 2021, 857 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to remdesivir plus standard of care (n=429) or standard of care only (n=428). 15 participants were excluded from analysis in the remdesivir group, and ten in the control group. At day 15, the distribution of the WHO ordinal scale was: (1) not hospitalised, no limitations on activities (61 [15%] of 414 in the remdesivir group vs 73 [17%] of 418 in the control group); (2) not hospitalised, limitation on activities (129 [31%] vs 132 [32%]); (3) hospitalised, not requiring supplemental oxygen (50 [12%] vs 29 [7%]); (4) hospitalised, requiring supplemental oxygen (76 [18%] vs 67 [16%]); (5) hospitalised, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices (15 [4%] vs 14 [3%]); (6) hospitalised, on invasive mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (62 [15%] vs 79 [19%]); (7) death (21 [5%] vs 24 [6%]). The difference between treatment groups was not significant (odds ratio 0•98 [95% CI 0•77-1•25]; p=0•85). There was no..
Contributors FA, NP-S, JP, MB-D, GP, TS, RG, J-AP, DC, YY, CB, and FM were involved in the design, establishment, and day-to-day management and implementation of the trial. FA, MH, TS, RG, J-AP, DC, YY, and FM obtained funding for the trial. FA, MH, NP-S, JP, TS, RG, and J-AP included participants in the trial. MB-D was responsible for the virological analyses. M-PL and GP were responsible for the pharmacological analyses. FA, MB-D, DB, AD, M-PL, GP, CB, and FM were in charge of data curation and accessed and verified the data. DB, JG, DC, CB, and FM were involved in the statistical analyses. FA, MB-D, DB, AD, MH, JG, CB, and FM wrote the original draft of the manuscript, which was reviewed and edited by NP-S, JP, MPL, GP, DC, and YY. All authors contributed to refinement of and approved this manuscript. All authors had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. Declaration of interests DC reports grants and lecture fees from Janssen and lecture fees from Gilead, outside the submitted work. FM reports grants and consulting fees from Da Volterra, grants from Sanofi, and consulting fees from Ipsen, outside the submitted work. MH reports grants from The Belgian Center for Knowledge (KCE), the Fonds Erasme-COVID-Université Libre de Bruxelles and the EU-Horizon programme, for the submitted work; and has received support for attending meetings from Pfizer; support for participation on an advisory board for..
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Late treatment
is less effective
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