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Prevalence, Outcomes, and Predictors of Prolonged Corrected QT Interval in Hydroxychloroquine-Naïve Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

Gupta et al., Cardiovascular Toxicology, doi:10.1007/s12012-024-09886-x
Jul 2024  
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Retrospective 295 hospitalized COVID-19 patients showing increased risk of prolonged QTc with remdesivir use, without statistical significance, OR 1.84 [0.69 - 4.9]. Azithromycin had no effect on prolonged QTc.
Gérard, Zhou, Wu, Kamo, Choi show significantly increased risk of acute kidney injury with remdesivir.
Gupta et al., 2 Jul 2024, retrospective, peer-reviewed, 6 authors.
This PaperRemdesivirAll
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