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Supplementary Data — Spironolactone for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 12 studies

@CovidAnalysis, July 2024, Version 13V13
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2+ Cadegiani 77% 0.23 [0.08-0.66] recov. time 8 (n) 262 (n) Improvement, RR [CI] Treatment Control Cadegiani 83% 0.17 [0.06-0.51] recov. time 8 (n) 262 (n) Cadegiani 38% 0.62 [0.42-0.91] viral time 8 (n) 262 (n) Mareev (RCT) 11% 0.89 [0.65-1.22] no recov. 33 (n) 33 (n) CT​1 Mareev (RCT) 39% 0.61 [0.14-0.97] no recov. 14/24 20/21 CT​1 Mareev (RCT) 8% 0.92 [0.77-1.09] hosp. time 33 (n) 33 (n) CT​1 Mareev (RCT) 87% 0.13 [0.01-2.25] viral+ 0/17 3/13 CT​1 Ersoy (ICU) 46% 0.54 [0.36-0.81] death 14/30 26/30 ICU patients Davarpanah 78% 0.22 [0.08-0.55] hosp. 6/103 23/103 CT​1 Davarpanah 67% 0.33 [0.16-0.71] progression 8/103 24/103 CT​1 Davarpanah 64% 0.36 [0.21-0.60] recov. time 103 (n) 103 (n) CT​1 Abbasi (SB RCT) 55% 0.45 [0.18-1.13] death 5/51 19/87 Abbasi (SB RCT) 34% 0.66 [0.30-1.48] ventilation 7/51 18/87 Abbasi (SB RCT) 19% 0.81 [0.42-1.59] ICU 10/51 21/87 Abbasi (SB RCT) 47% 0.53 [0.39-0.72] no recov. 51 (n) 87 (n) Wadhwa (RCT) 72% 0.28 [0.09-0.85] progression 4/74 9/46 Wadhwa (RCT) 49% 0.51 [0.27-0.95] no disch. 13/74 16/46 Wadhwa (RCT) 18% 0.82 [0.67-1.00] recov. time 74 (n) 46 (n) Mehrizi 32% 0.68 [0.65-0.72] death population-based cohort Holt -129% 2.29 [1.59-3.32] death/ICU 16/31 148/658 Jeon 77% 0.23 [0.08-0.64] cases case control MacFadden 7% 0.93 [0.88-0.98] cases n/a n/a Cousins (PSM) 81% 0.19 [0.06-0.65] ventilation 731 (n) 731 (n) Cousins (PSM) 66% 0.34 [0.17-0.68] ICU 731 (n) 731 (n) Cousins (PSM) 18% 0.82 [0.71-0.93] death 390/12,504 479/12,504 Cousins (PSM) 12% 0.88 [0.79-0.99] death 521/16,324 592/16,324 Cousins (PSM) 15% 0.85 [0.77-0.94] death 671/20,690 783/20,690 Cousins (PSM) 17% 0.83 [0.77-0.91] ventilation 936/12,504 1,118/12,504 Cousins (PSM) 17% 0.83 [0.77-0.89] ventilation 1,212/16,324 1,459/16,324 Cousins (PSM) 10% 0.90 [0.84-0.95] ventilation 1,524/20,690 1,701/20,690 Spironolactone COVID-19 outcomes July 2024 1 CT: study uses combined treatment Favors spironolactone Favors control
Figure S1. All outcomes.
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