Efficacy of antiseptic mouthrinses against SARS-CoV-2: A prospective randomized placebo-controlled pilot study
DDS Paolo Junior Fantozzi, DDS Emanuele Pampena, PhD Alessandra Pierangeli, PhD Giuseppe Oliveto, PhD Leonardo Sorrentino, Domenico Di Vanna, MD d ; Riccardo Pampena, MD e ; Alessandro Lazzaro, MD e ; Elio Gentilini, MD e ; Claudio Maria Mastroianni, MD e ; Gabriella D'ettorre, DDS, MD a ; Antonella Polimeni, DDS a , Umberto Romeo, DDS Alessandro Villa
American Journal of Otolaryngology, doi:10.1016/j.amjoto.2022.103549
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When all antiseptic mouthrinses were considered, PVP-I 1% was found to be more effective in reducing the Ct Values at T1 compared to CHX 0.12% (p=0.001), the H 2 O 2 1% (p=0.027) and the placebo (p=0.001). In addition, PVP-I 1% was found to be more effective in terms of viral load reduction both at T1 (p=0.03) and at T2 (p=0.024) when compared to the placebo. No other statistically significant differences were found amongst the other rinses (Table 3 ). Interestingly, when all the negative patients were considered (at T1 and T2), the median SARS-CoV-2 viral load was 21.5 copies/mL (IQR: 4.9 -294.5), and the median Ct value was 37.8 (IQR: 34.1 -39.8).
J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f
Discussion This single-blinded randomized controlled pilot study reported on the efficacy of three oral antiseptics on the reduction of oral SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the oral and oropharyngeal region. PVP-I 1% had the highest efficacy with five patients (62.5%) at T1 and three patients (37.5%) at T2 having undetectable SARS-CoV-2 viral load after the rinse, with an overall median viral load reduction of 19.4 (IQR: 67.3 -8.2) viral loads/mL at T1 (p=0.26), and 33.2 (IQR: 77.6 -5.4) viral loads/mL at T2 (p=0.42). The median Ct value in the PVP-I 1% group at T0 was 36.3 (IQR: 32.0 -38.5), followed by 40.0 (IQR: 29.8 -40.0) at T1 (p=0.002), and 38.8 (IQR: 30.9 -40.0) at T2 (p=0.09). H 2 O 2 1% showed the second highest efficacy, with six patients (54.5%) at T1, and eight patients (72.7%) at T2..
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