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Positive Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

De Niet et al., Nutrients, doi:10.3390/nu14153048, NCT04636086
Jul 2022  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Mortality 65% Improvement Relative Risk Mortality (b) -40% ICU admission 58% ICU time 68% Discharge, day 36 80% Discharge, day 28 85% Discharge, day 21 85% Discharge, day 14 65% Discharge, day 7 65% Recovery time, fever 45% Hospitalization time 50% Vitamin D  De Niet et al.  LATE TREATMENT  DB RCT Is late treatment with vitamin D beneficial for COVID-19? Double-blind RCT 43 patients in Belgium (August 2020 - August 2021) Shorter hospitalization with vitamin D (p=0.003) De Niet et al., Nutrients, July 2022 Favorsvitamin D Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
Vitamin D for COVID-19
8th treatment shown to reduce risk in October 2020, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 125 studies, recognized in 17 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,500+ studies for 119 treatments.
RCT with 21 vitamin D and 22 placebo hospitalized patients in Belgium with vitamin D deficiency, showing significantly shorter hospitalization and improved clinical recovery with treatment.
Cholecalciferol was used in this study. Meta analysis shows that late stage treatment with calcitriol / calcifediol (or paricalcitol, alfacalcidol, etc.) is more effective than cholecalciferol: 69% [47‑82%] lower risk vs. 42% [31‑52%] lower risk. Cholecalciferol requires two hydroxylation steps to become activated - first in the liver to calcifediol, then in the kidney to calcitriol. Calcitriol, paricalcitol, and alfacalcidol are active vitamin D analogs that do not require conversion. This allows them to have more rapid onset of action compared to cholecalciferol. The time delay for cholecalciferol to increase serum calcifediol levels can be 2-3 days, and the delay for converting calcifediol to active calcitriol can be up to 7 days.
This is the 20th of 30 COVID-19 RCTs for vitamin D, which collectively show efficacy with p=0.0000032.
This is the 90th of 125 COVID-19 controlled studies for vitamin D, which collectively show efficacy with p<0.0000000001 (1 in 66 septillion).
risk of death, 65.1% lower, RR 0.35, p = 0.61, treatment 1 of 21 (4.8%), control 3 of 22 (13.6%), NNT 11, COVID-19 mortality.
risk of death, 39.7% higher, RR 1.40, p = 0.70, treatment 4 of 21 (19.0%), control 3 of 22 (13.6%), all cause including after discharge and non-COVID-19.
risk of ICU admission, 58.1% lower, RR 0.42, p = 0.41, treatment 2 of 21 (9.5%), control 5 of 22 (22.7%), NNT 7.6.
ICU time, 67.7% lower, relative time 0.32, p = 0.47, treatment 21, control 22.
risk of no hospital discharge, 79.6% lower, RR 0.20, p = 0.49, treatment 0 of 21 (0.0%), control 2 of 22 (9.1%), NNT 11, relative risk is not 0 because of continuity correction due to zero events (with reciprocal of the contrasting arm), day 36.
risk of no hospital discharge, 85.4% lower, RR 0.15, p = 0.23, treatment 0 of 21 (0.0%), control 3 of 22 (13.6%), NNT 7.3, relative risk is not 0 because of continuity correction due to zero events (with reciprocal of the contrasting arm), day 28.
risk of no hospital discharge, 85.4% lower, RR 0.15, p = 0.23, treatment 0 of 21 (0.0%), control 3 of 22 (13.6%), NNT 7.3, relative risk is not 0 because of continuity correction due to zero events (with reciprocal of the contrasting arm), day 21.
risk of no hospital discharge, 65.1% lower, RR 0.35, p = 0.61, treatment 1 of 21 (4.8%), control 3 of 22 (13.6%), NNT 11, day 14.
risk of no hospital discharge, 65.1% lower, RR 0.35, p = 0.03, treatment 4 of 21 (19.0%), control 12 of 22 (54.5%), NNT 2.8, day 7.
recovery time, 45.4% lower, relative time 0.55, p = 0.06, treatment 21, control 22, fever.
hospitalization time, 50.0% lower, relative time 0.50, p = 0.003, treatment 21, control 22.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
De Niet et al., 26 Jul 2022, Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, placebo-controlled, Belgium, peer-reviewed, 16 authors, study period August 2020 - August 2021, dosage 25,000IU days 1-4, 11, 18, 25, trial NCT04636086 (history). Contact: (corresponding author),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
This PaperVitamin DAll
Positive Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Sophie De Niet, Mickaël Trémège, Monte Coffiner, Anne-Francoise Rousseau, Doriane Calmes, Anne-Noelle Frix, Fanny Gester, Muriel Delvaux, Anne-Francoise Dive, Elora Guglielmi, Monique Henket, Alicia Staderoli, Didier Maesen, Renaud Louis, Julien Guiot, Etienne Cavalier
Nutrients, doi:10.3390/nu14153048
Retrospective studies showed a relationship between vitamin D status and COVID-19 severity and mortality, with an inverse relation between SARS-CoV-2 positivity and circulating calcifediol levels. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the length of hospital stay and clinical improvement in patients with vitamin D deficiency hospitalized with COVID-19. The study was randomized, double blind and placebo controlled. A total of 50 subjects were enrolled and received, in addition to the best available COVID therapy, either vitamin D (25,000 IU per day over 4 consecutive days, followed by 25,000 IU per week up to 6 weeks) or placebo. The length of hospital stay decreased significantly in the vitamin D group compared to the placebo group (4 days vs. 8 days; p = 0.003). At Day 7, a significantly lower percentage of patients were still hospitalized in the vitamin D group compared to the placebo group (19% vs. 54%; p = 0.0161), and none of the patients treated with vitamin D were hospitalized after 21 days compared to 14% of the patients treated with placebo. Vitamin D significantly reduced the duration of supplemental oxygen among the patients who needed it (4 days vs. 7 days in the placebo group; p = 0.012) and significantly improved the clinical recovery of the patients, as assessed by the WHO scale (p = 0.0048). In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the clinical outcome of COVID-19 patients requiring hospitalization was improved by administration of vitamin D.
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DOI record: { "DOI": "10.3390/nu14153048", "ISSN": [ "2072-6643" ], "URL": "", "abstract": "<jats:p>Retrospective studies showed a relationship between vitamin D status and COVID-19 severity and mortality, with an inverse relation between SARS-CoV-2 positivity and circulating calcifediol levels. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the length of hospital stay and clinical improvement in patients with vitamin D deficiency hospitalized with COVID-19. The study was randomized, double blind and placebo controlled. A total of 50 subjects were enrolled and received, in addition to the best available COVID therapy, either vitamin D (25,000 IU per day over 4 consecutive days, followed by 25,000 IU per week up to 6 weeks) or placebo. The length of hospital stay decreased significantly in the vitamin D group compared to the placebo group (4 days vs. 8 days; p = 0.003). At Day 7, a significantly lower percentage of patients were still hospitalized in the vitamin D group compared to the placebo group (19% vs. 54%; p = 0.0161), and none of the patients treated with vitamin D were hospitalized after 21 days compared to 14% of the patients treated with placebo. Vitamin D significantly reduced the duration of supplemental oxygen among the patients who needed it (4 days vs. 7 days in the placebo group; p = 0.012) and significantly improved the clinical recovery of the patients, as assessed by the WHO scale (p = 0.0048). 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Late treatment
is less effective
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