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Favipiravir: the hidden threat of mutagenic action

Zhirnov et al., Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology, doi:10.36233/0372-9311-114
May 2021  
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Review of the mutagenic effect of favipiravir and associated concerns.
Reviews covering favipiravir for COVID-19 include1-6.
Zhirnov et al., 5 May 2021, Russia, peer-reviewed, 2 authors.
This PaperFavipiravirAll
Favipiravir: the hidden threat of mutagenic action
Oleg P Zhirnov, Alyona I Chernyshova
Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology, doi:10.36233/0372-9311-114
The antiviral drug favipiravir (FPV), which is a structural analogue of guanosine, undergoes chemical transformation in infected cells by cellular enzymes into a nucleotide form -favipiravir ribose triphosphate (FPV-RTP). FPV-RTP is able to bind to viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and integrate into the viral RNA chain, causing a significant mutagenic effect through G→A and G→U transitions in the viral RNA genome. Besides the virus inhibiting effect, the increased synthesis of mutant virions under the action of FP possess a threat of the emergence of novel threatening viral strains with high pathogenicity for humans and animals and acquired resistance to chemotherapeutic compound. There are three ways to minimize this mutagenic effect of FP. (1) Synthesis of new FPV modifications lacking the ability to integrate into the synthesized viral RNA molecule. (2) The combined use of FPV with antiviral chemotherapeutic drugs of a different mechanism of action directed at various viral and/or host cell targets. (3) Permanent application of high therapeutic doses of FPV under the strict medical control to enhance the lethal mutagenic effect on an infectious virus in the recipient organism to prevent the multiplication of its mutant forms.
Author contribution. Аll authors made a substantial contribution to the conception of the work, acquisition, analysis, interpretation of data for the work, drafting and revising the work, final approval of the version to be published.
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Alyona, Chernyshova -Junior, Researcher, None
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Zhirnov -D. Sci ; Prof, Corr, Information about the authors Oleg
Zhirnov, High protection of animals lethally infected with influenza virus by aprotinin-rimantadine combination, J. Med. Virol, doi:10.1002/jmv.1890210208
Zhirnov, Molecular targets in the chemotherapy of coronavirus infection, Biochemistry (Mosc), doi:10.1134/S0006297920050016
Авторов, Все авторы внесли существенный вклад в проведение поисково-аналитической работы и подготовку статьи, прочли и одобрили финальную версию до публикации, Статья поступила в редакцию
Алёна Игоревна -М, Русско-немецкой академии медико-социальных и биотехнологических наук
DOI record: { "DOI": "10.36233/0372-9311-114", "ISSN": [ "2686-7613", "0372-9311" ], "URL": "", "abstract": "<jats:p> </jats:p><jats:p>The antiviral drug favipiravir (FVP), which is a structural analogue of guanosine, undergoes chemical transformation in infected cells by cellular enzymes into a nucleotide form — favipiravir ribose triphosphate (FVPRTP). FVP-RTP is able to bind to viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and integrate into the viral RNA chain, causing a significant mutagenic effect through G→A and С→U transitions in the viral RNA genome. Besides the virus inhibiting effect, the increased synthesis of mutant virions under the action of FPV possess a threat of the emergence of novel threatening viral strains with high pathogenicity for humans and animals and acquired resistance to chemotherapeutic compound. There are three ways to minimize this mutagenic effect of FP. (1) Synthesis of new FPV modifications lacking the ability to integrate into the synthesized viral RNA molecule. (2) The combined use of FPV with antiviral chemotherapeutic drugs of a different mechanism of action directed at various viral and/or host cell targets. (3) Permanent application of high therapeutic doses of FPV under the strict medical control to enhance the lethal mutagenic effect on an infectious virus in the recipient organism to prevent the multiplication of its mutant forms.</jats:p>", "author": [ { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "The Russian-German Academy of Medico-Social and Biotechnological Sciences;\r\nThe D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, The N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology" } ], "authenticated-orcid": true, "family": "Zhirnov", "given": "O. P.", "sequence": "first" }, { "ORCID": "", "affiliation": [ { "name": "The D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, The N.F. 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Molecular targets in the chemotherapy of coronavirus infection. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2020; 85(5): 523–30." }, { "DOI": "10.3892/ijmm.2020.4794", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref2", "unstructured": "Tsai S.C., Lu C.C., Bau D.T., Chiu Y.J., Yen Y.T., Hsu Y.M., et al. Approaches towards fighting the COVID 19 pandemic (Review). Int. J. Mol. Med. 2020; 47(1): 3–22." }, { "DOI": "10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.09.015", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref3", "unstructured": "Furuta Y., Gowen B.B., Takahashi K., Shiraki K., Smee D.F., Barnard D.L. Favipiravir (T-705), a novel viral RNA polymerase inhibitor. Antiviral Res. 2013; 100(2): 446–54." }, { "DOI": "10.2183/pjab.93.027", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref4", "unstructured": "Furuta Y., Komeno T., Nakamura T. Favipiravir (T-705), a broad spectrum inhibitor of viral RNA polymerase. Proc. Jpn Acad. Ser. B Phys. Biol. Sci. 2017; 93(7): 449–63." }, { "key": "ref5", "unstructured": "Furuta Y., Egawa H. Nitrogenous heterocyclic carboxamide derivatives or salts thereof and antiviral agents containing both. European Patent Office WO, 00/10569 (JP25044198 application 20.08.1998). WO2000010569A1; 2000." }, { "DOI": "10.1016/j.pharmthera.2020.107512", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref6", "unstructured": "Shiraki K., Daikoku T. Favipiravir, an anti-influenza drug against life-threatening RNA virus infections. Pharmacol Ther. 2020; 209: 107512." }, { "DOI": "10.1016/S2055-6640(20)30016-9", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref7", "unstructured": "Pilkington V., Pepperrell T., Hill A. A review of the safety of favipiravir – a potential treatment in the COVID-19 pandemic? J. Virus Erad. 2020; 6(2): 45–51." }, { "DOI": "10.1128/JVI.00487-17", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref8", "unstructured": "Abdelnabi R., Morais A.T.S., Leyssen P., Imbert I., Beaucourt S., Blanc H., et al. Understanding the Mechanism of the Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Activity of Favipiravir (T-705): Key Role of the F1 Motif of the Viral Polymerase. J. Virol. 2017; 91(12): e00487–17." }, { "DOI": "10.1177/2040206618764483", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref9", "unstructured": "Jordan P.C., Stevens S.K., Deval J. Nucleosides for the treatment of respiratory RNA virus infections. Antivir. Chem. Chemother. 2018; 26: 2040206618764483." }, { "DOI": "10.3390/pathogens9050320", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref10", "unstructured": "Neogi U., Hill K.J., Ambikan A.T., Heng X., Quinn T.P., Byrareddy S.N., et al. Feasibility of Known RNA Polymerase Inhibitors as Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Drugs. Pathogens. 2020; 9(5): 320." }, { "DOI": "10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.03.003", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref11", "unstructured": "Delang L., Abdelnabi R., Neyts J. Favipiravir as a potential countermeasure against neglected and emerging RNA viruses. Antiviral Res. 2018; 153: 85–94." }, { "DOI": "10.3390/microorganisms8101610", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref12", "unstructured": "Sada M., Saraya T., Ishii H., Okayama K., Hayashi Y., Tsugawa T., et al. Detailed molecular interactions of Favipiravir with SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and influenza virus polymerases in silico. Microorganisms. 2020; 8(10): 1610." }, { "DOI": "10.1124/mol.113.087247", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref13", "unstructured": "Naesens L., Guddat L.W., Keough D.T., van Kuilenburg A.B., Meijer J., Vande Voorde J., et al. Role of human hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in activation of the antiviral agent T-705 (favipiravir). Mol. Pharmacol. 2013; 84(4): 615–29." }, { "DOI": "10.1093/jac/dkp274", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref14", "unstructured": "Smee D.F., Hurst B.L., Egawa H., Takahashi K., Kadota T., Furuta Y. Intracellular metabolism of favipiravir (T-705) in uninfected and influenza A (H5N1) virus-infected cells. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 2009; 64(4): 741–6." }, { "DOI": "10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.12.020", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref15", "unstructured": "Bixler S.L., Bocan T.M., Wells J., Wetzel K.S., Van Tongeren S.A., Garza N.L., et al. Intracellular conversion and in vivo dose response of favipiravir (T-705) in rodents infected with Ebola virus. Antiviral Res. 2018; 151: 50–4." }, { "DOI": "10.1128/JVI.02346-12", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref16", "unstructured": "Baranovich T., Wong S.S., Armstrong J., Marjuki H., Webby R.J., Webster R.G., et al. T-705 (favipiravir) induces lethal mutagenesis in influenza A H1N1 viruses in vitro. J. Virol. 2013; 87(7): 3741–51." }, { "DOI": "10.7554/eLife.03679", "doi-asserted-by": "crossref", "key": "ref17", "unstructured": "Arias A., Thorne L., Goodfellow I. 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