Conv. Plasma
Mpro inhibitors
Nigella Sativa
RdRp inhibitors

study COVID-19 treatment researchVitamin AVitamin A (more..)
Metformin Meta
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Budesonide Meta
Colchicine Meta Nigella Sativa Meta
Conv. Plasma Meta Nitazoxanide Meta
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Fluvoxamine Meta Quercetin Meta
Hydroxychlor.. Meta
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Vitamin A in resistance to and recovery from infection: relevance to SARS-CoV2

Stephensen et al., British Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.1017/S0007114521000246
Jan 2021  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Vitamin A for COVID-19
43rd treatment shown to reduce risk in June 2023, now with p = 0.0052 from 15 studies.
Lower risk for recovery and cases.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,500+ studies for 119 treatments.
Review of the potential benefits of vitamin A for COVID-19, including maintaining innate and adaptive immunity, minimizing inflammation, supporting repair of respiratory epithelium and preventing fibrosis, and counteracting adverse effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the angiotensin system.
Reviews covering vitamin A for COVID-19 include1-5.
Stephensen et al., 20 Jan 2021, peer-reviewed, 2 authors.
This PaperVitamin AAll
Vitamin A in resistance to and recovery from infection: relevance to SARS-CoV2
C B Stephensen, G Lietz
British Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.1017/s0007114521000246
SARS-CoV2 infects respiratory epithelial cells via its cellular receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, causing a viral pneumonia with pronounced inflammation resulting in significant damage to the lungs and other organ systems, including the kidneys, though symptoms and disease severity are quite variable depending on the intensity of exposure and presence of underlying conditions that may affect the immune response. The resulting disease, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), can cause multi-organ system dysfunction in patients requiring hospitalisation and intensive care treatment. Serious infections like COVID-19 often negatively affect nutritional status, and the resulting nutritional deficiencies may increase disease severity and impair recovery. One example is the viral infection measles, where associated vitamin A (VA) deficiency increases disease severity and appropriately timed supplementation during recovery reduces mortality and hastens recovery. VA may play a similar role in COVID-19. First, VA is important in maintaining innate and adaptive immunity to promote clearance of a primary infection as well as minimise risks from secondary infections. Second, VA plays a unique role in the respiratory tract, minimising damaging inflammation, supporting repair of respiratory epithelium and preventing fibrosis. Third, VA deficiency may develop during COVID-19 due to specific effects on lung and liver stores caused by inflammation and impaired kidney function, suggesting that supplements may be needed to restore adequate status. Fourth, VA supplementation may counteract adverse effects of SARS-CoV2 on the angiotensin system as well as minimises adverse effects of some COVID-19 therapies. Evaluating interactions of SARS-CoV2 infection with VA metabolism may thus provide improved COVID-19 therapy.
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One example is the viral infection measles, where associated vitamin A (VA) deficiency increases disease severity and appropriately timed supplementation during recovery reduces mortality and hastens recovery. VA may play a similar role in COVID-19. First, VA is important in maintaining innate and adaptive immunity to promote clearance of a primary infection as well as minimise risks from secondary infections. Second, VA plays a unique role in the respiratory tract, minimising damaging inflammation, supporting repair of respiratory epithelium and preventing fibrosis. Third, VA deficiency may develop during COVID-19 due to specific effects on lung and liver stores caused by inflammation and impaired kidney function, suggesting that supplements may be needed to restore adequate status. Fourth, VA supplementation may counteract adverse effects of SARS-CoV2 on the angiotensin system as well as minimises adverse effects of some COVID-19 therapies. Evaluating interactions of SARS-CoV2 infection with VA metabolism may thus provide improved COVID-19 therapy.</jats:p>", "alternative-id": [ "S0007114521000246" ], "assertion": [ { "group": { "label": "Copyright and Licensing", "name": "copyright_and_licensing" }, "label": "Copyright", "name": "copyright", "value": "© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Nutrition Society" }, { "group": { "label": "Copyright and Licensing", "name": "copyright_and_licensing" }, "label": "License", "name": "license", "value": "This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited." }, { "label": "Free to read", "name": "free", "value": "This content has been made available to all." } ], "author": [ { "affiliation": [], "family": "Stephensen", "given": "C. 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