Impact of Vitamin D Therapy on the Progress COVID-19: Six Weeks Follow-Up Study of Vitamin D Deficient Elderly Diabetes Patients
Amin R Soliman, Tarek Samy Abdelaziz, Ahmed Fathy
Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare, doi:10.1177/20101058211041405
Background: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is an ongoing pandemic causing considerable fatalities worldwide. Vitamin D modulates the immune response through effects on various cells, such as: macrophages, B and T lymphocytes, neutrophils, and dendritic cells. Aim: To explore whether supplementation of vitamin D, in the form of a single intramuscular cholecalciferol injection, to patients with diabetes, COVID-19, and low vitamin D levels could improve the prognosis of those patients. Methods: This was a placebo-controlled randomized prospective study. The study has two arms as follows: the intervention arm (40 vitamin D deficient diabetes elderly patients that acquired SARS-CoV-2), compared to the control arm (16 elderly diabetes patients, with deficient vitamin D with SARS-CoV-2). Patients in the intervention arm were given vitamin D as a single intramuscular injection (200,000 IU); patients in the control arm were given placebo. The primary outcome was mortality within 6 weeks of the diagnosis of COVID-19. Clinical, laboratory, treatment, and outcome data were recorded after 6 weeks of follow-up. Results: No significant difference in 6 weeks mortality was observed between patients who received vitamin D and patients who received placebo (17.5% vs 18.8%, p = 0.838). Age, presence of hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were independent predictors of mortality at 6 weeks. Conclusion: Vitamin D supplementation did not reduce the severity or mortality of COVID-19 at 6 weeks. Further large scale studies are required to explore the effect of vitamin D therapy on survival in patients with diabetes mellitus who acquire COVID-19.
Author Contributions ARS contributed to study design, data collection, and final revision of the manuscript
Declaration of Conflicting Interests The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Ethical Approval The study protocol was approved by the Kasr Alainy Research Ethics Committee (REC), number KA (KA-2020/151). The study is registered to (NCT04733625).
Informed Consent Yes. According to Declaration of Helsink Trial Registration NCT04733625
ORCID iD Tarek Samy Abdelaziz
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'ongoing pandemic causing considerable fatalities worldwide. Vitamin D modulates the immune '
'response through effects on various cells, such as: macrophages, B and T lymphocytes, '
'neutrophils, and dendritic cells. '
'</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Aim</jats:title><jats:p> To explore whether '
'supplementation of vitamin D, in the form of a single intramuscular cholecalciferol '
'injection, to patients with diabetes, COVID-19, and low vitamin D levels could improve the '
'prognosis of those patients. '
'</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Methods</jats:title><jats:p> This was a '
'placebo-controlled randomized prospective study. The study has two arms as follows: the '
'intervention arm (40 vitamin D deficient diabetes elderly patients that acquired SARS-CoV-2), '
'compared to the control arm (16 elderly diabetes patients, with deficient vitamin D with '
'SARS-CoV-2). Patients in the intervention arm were given vitamin D as a single intramuscular '
'injection (200,000 IU); patients in the control arm were given placebo. The primary outcome '
'was mortality within 6\xa0weeks of the diagnosis of COVID-19. Clinical, laboratory, '
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'difference in 6\xa0weeks mortality was observed between patients who received vitamin D and '
'patients who received placebo (17.5% vs 18.8%, p = 0.838). Age, presence of hypertension, and '
'chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were independent predictors of mortality at 6\xa0weeks. '
'</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Conclusion</jats:title><jats:p> Vitamin D '
'supplementation did not reduce the severity or mortality of COVID-19 at 6\xa0weeks. Further '
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{ 'given': 'Ahmed',
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