Role of H2 receptor blocker famotidine over the clinical recovery of COVID-19 patients: A randomized controlled trial
Abu Taiub Mohammed Mohiuddin Chowdhury, Md Aktar Kamal, Md. Kafil Uddin Abbas, Md Rezaul Karim, Md. Ahsan Ali, Shubhashis Talukder, Hamidullah M Hamidullah Mehedi, Abul Hamid Hassan, Abul Hossain Shahin, Yarui Li, Shuixiang He
World Journal of Clinical Cases, doi:10.12998/wjcc.v10.i23.8170
The primary aim of World Journal of Clinical Cases (WJCC, World J Clin Cases) is to provide scholars and readers from various fields of clinical medicine with a platform to publish high-quality clinical research articles and communicate their research findings online. WJCC mainly publishes articles reporting research results and findings obtained in the field of clinical medicine and covering a wide range of topics, including case control studies, retrospective cohort studies, retrospective studies, clinical trials studies, observational studies, prospective studies, randomized controlled trials, randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and case reports.
Research motivation COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic. Hence SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus; there is no specific medication against it. Thus, clinicians and scientists all over the world are struggling with the treatment of this disease. Besides antiviral drugs, immunosuppressive agents and symptomatic therapy like the H 2 receptor blocker famotidine came to the limelight due to its role in reducing the symptoms of COVID-19 patients.
Research objectives To evaluate the role of H 2 receptor blocker "famotidine" in COVID-19 illness.
Research methods
Research results (1) The recovery (75% in group A and 70% in group B and death (25% in group A and 30% in group B) were found preferable in group A than that in group B; (2) Superior improvement of the computed tomography (CT) chest findings was observed in the famotidine treatment group; (3) Among the group A survivors, the duration of ICU and hospital stays were low; (4) However, the difference between the time to symptomatic recovery, ICU stay duration and the time to clinical failure/death among the groups were not significant, P ≥ 0.05; ( 5 ) Group A achieved a reduction of hospital stay and rapid recovery; ( 6 ) Viral recovery was delayed in the control group; and (7) The Kaplan Meier survival analysis was performed. The difference involving survival among the two study groups did not show any statistical significance (P = 0.989).
Research conclusions The famotidine treatment group demonstrated a..
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