Potential of the Combination of a Systemic Enzyme Complex and Probiotics administration to Combat COVID-19: A Randomized Open Label Prospective Analysis
Clin Adv, Toxicol, Neha Shah, Rohit Parate, Abhay Vispute
Advances in Clinical Toxicology, doi:10.23880/act-16000205
Background: Enzymes have been used for therapeutic applications for decades owing to their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Probiotics are well known to reduce the incidence and severity of several health-related conditions. To our knowledge, no clinical trial has evaluated the effects of a combination of systemic enzyme and probiotic supplementation in Covid-19 patients infected with the SARSCoV-2 virus. Objective: We investigated the safety and efficacy of the health supplements ImmunoSEB (systemic enzyme complex) and ProbioSEB CSC3 (probiotic complex) as supplemental therapy in confirmed mild to moderate COVID-19 patients.
Methods: A randomized, open label, 2-arm, prospective study in patients with an RT-PCR confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 with a mild to moderate condition was conducted. The control arm (n=30) received standard of care (SOC) treatment and the test arm (n=30) received the oral supplements ImmunoSEB (500 mg/cap.) + ProbioSEB CSC3 (5 billion CFUs /cap.) for 14 days in addition to SOC. The efficacy and safety of the experimental regimen was compared with the control arm at various timepoints from days 1 to 21. Results: A significantly higher proportion of patients in the test arm showed clinical improvement on day 10 vs the controls (93.33% vs 60%; p<0.05). No adverse events were reported in the test arm at any time during the study suggesting the safety of supplementation with ImmunoSEB + ProbioSEB CSC3. Patients in the test arm also had a shorter duration of hospitalization, quicker recovery and faster reduction in CRP levels as compared to the control arm.
Conclusions: The present study concludes that supplemental therapy with ImmunoSEB + ProbioSEB CSC3 accelerates clinical improvement in mild to moderate COVID-19 patients. While there is no vaccine or specific drug to completely cure SARS CoV-2 infection, the proposed supplemental therapy could be a potential tool to aid in the recovery of COVID-19 of patients.
Author's contribution Dr. Rohit Parate and Dr. Abhay Vispute acted as principal investigators of this study and Dr Neha Shah was involved in study design, planning, protocol writing, data analysis and manuscript preparation.
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DOI record:
"DOI": "10.23880/act-16000204",
"ISSN": [
"URL": "http://dx.doi.org/10.23880/act-16000204",
"abstract": "<jats:p>The pandemic-COVID-19 adverse effects on the environment, travel, education and clinical research, and the global health of humans and animals, and the impact on human-civilization, agriculture, global socio-economy, and damage brain-tissue or long term neurological-disorder, with more than 88-million infections and more than 1.8-million death of human lives. Recently the application of vaccine starts, but its proper efficacy, longevity, cost-effectiveness, allergic-toxic-reaction, and chance of reinfection due to new variant and mutation, are not still known. Though the middle-and upper-classes are able to tackle, but the economically poor-households, the marginalized in the Purba Bardhaman district, and groups like senior-citizens and street-children and animals, are badly affected still now. So in this paper students act as a 21st-century preventive-pandemicCOVID-19 model, improving advanced-clinical-toxicology, biomedicines, green-socio-economy, and science-technologyinnovations-communication by boosting community immunity or herd-immunity, and developing policy-initiative social strategies issues, removing the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms and clinical studies in all areas of toxicology. This paper is considered the possible pathway of future pandemic COVID-19 like’s virus-free world.</jats:p>",
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