COVID-19 Illness Severity in the Elderly in Relation to Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian Diets: A Single-Center Experience
Yi-Cheng Hou, Wen-Lin Su, You-Chen Chao
Frontiers in Nutrition, doi:10.3389/fnut.2022.837458
The first wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Taiwan occurred in May 2021. The risk for and severity of this disease vary and are highly dependent on personal habits and comorbidities. Moreover, the gut microbiome, which may be affected by diet, is highly susceptible with regard to the risk and severity of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. The relationship between dietary habits, nutritional status, and the effects of these factors on the immune system in the context of a global pandemic is an extremely important topic of immediate concern. Hence, the aim of this study was to explore the effect of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets on COVID-19 severity during the pandemic. We conducted a retrospective evaluation of 509 patients who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 at a single medical center between May 2021 and August 2021. Patients were divided into three groups according to disease severity. For patients aged ≥65 years, COVID-19 symptom severity was statistically significantly and inversely associated with the adherence to a vegetarian diet (p = 0.013). Moreover, subgroup analysis results showed that older COVID-19 patients and those with a non-vegetarian diet had a higher risk of contracting critically severe COVID-19 [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 5.434, p = 0.005]. Further research is needed to determine the effects of dietary habits on COVID-19 risk and severity during the global pandemic.
ETHICS STATEMENT For this retrospective study, informed consent was waived by the IRB, and the privacy rights of patients, which cover any individual's data in any form (including individual details, images, or videos), were upheld. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation (approval number 10-X-141) and conducted according to the amended Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent for participation was not required for this study in accordance with the national legislation and the institutional requirements.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Y-CH and Y-CC conceived the study, designed the trial, obtained the research funding, analyzed and interpreted the data, and contributed to manuscript preparation. Y-CH and W-LS supervised the conduct of the trial, as well as data collection, and revised the manuscript for critical content. W-LS provided statistical advice with regard to the study design, and analyzed the data. Y-CH drafted the manuscript, and all authors contributed substantially to its revision. All authors take responsibility for the article as a whole. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the..
Andarwulan, Kurniasih, Apriady, Rahmat, Roto et al., Polyphenols, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid in underutilized medicinal vegetables, J Funct Foods,
Bajaj, Gadi, Spihlman, Wu, Choi et al., Aging, immunity, and Covid-19: how age influences the host immune response to coronavirus infections?, Front Physiol,
Butler, Barrientos, The impact of nutrition on Covid-19 susceptibility and long-term consequences, Brain Behav Immun,
Charlson, Pompei, Ales, Mackenzie, A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation, J Chronic Dis,
Christensen, Strange, Gislason, Torp-Pedersen, Gerds et al., Charlson comorbidity index score and risk of severe outcome and death in danish Covid-19 patients, J Gen Intern Med,
Iddir, Brito, Dingeo, Del Campo, Samouda et al., Strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress through diet and nutrition: considerations during the Covid-19 crisis, Nutrients,
Kim, Caulfield, Garcia-Larsen, Steffen, Grams et al., Plant-based diets and incident Ckd and kidney function, Clin J Am Soc Nephrol,
Kim, Rebholz, Garcia-Larsen, Steffen, Coresh et al., Operational differences in plant-based diet indices affect the ability to detect associations with incident hypertension in middle-aged Us adults, J Nutr,
Kim, Rebholz, Hegde, Lafiura, Raghavan et al., Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and Covid-19 severity: a populationbased case-control study in six countries, BMJ Nutr Prev Health,
Kuswardhani, Henrina, Pranata, Lim, Lawrensia et al., Charlson comorbidity index and a composite of poor outcomes in Covid-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Diabetes Metab Syndr,
Lim, Van Der Eerden, Laing, Boersma, Karalus et al., Defining community acquired pneumonia severity on presentation to hospital: an international derivation and validation study, Thorax,
Martinez-Ferran, De La Guia-Galipienso, Sanchis-Gomar, Pareja-Galeano, Metabolic impacts of confinement during the Covid-19 pandemic due to modified diet and physical activity habits, Nutrients,
Merino, Joshi, Nguyen, Leeming, Mazidi et al., Diet quality and risk and severity of Covid-19: a prospective cohort study, Gut,
Morais, Aquino, Da Silva-Maia, Vale, Maciel et al., Nutritional status, diet and viral respiratory infections: perspectives for severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2, Br J Nutr,
Segovia-Siapco, Burkholder-Cooley, Tabrizi, Sabate, Beyond meat: a comparison of the dietary intakes of vegetarian and non-vegetarian adolescents, Front Nutr,
Silverio, Goncalves, Andrade, Seelaender, Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and nutritional status: the missing link?, Adv Nutr,
Tavakol, Ghannadi, Tabesh, Halabchi, Noormohammadpour et al., Relationship between physical activity, healthy lifestyle and Covid-19 disease severity; a cross-sectional study, Z Gesundh Wiss,
Zabetakis, Lordan, Norton, Tsoupras, Covid-19: the inflammation link and the role of nutrition in potential mitigation, Nutrients,
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'abstract': '<jats:p>The first wave of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Taiwan occurred '
'in May 2021. The risk for and severity of this disease vary and are highly dependent on '
'personal habits and comorbidities. Moreover, the gut microbiome, which may be affected by '
'diet, is highly susceptible with regard to the risk and severity of infectious diseases such '
'as COVID-19. The relationship between dietary habits, nutritional status, and the effects of '
'these factors on the immune system in the context of a global pandemic is an extremely '
'important topic of immediate concern. Hence, the aim of this study was to explore the effect '
'of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets on COVID-19 severity during the pandemic. We conducted '
'a retrospective evaluation of 509 patients who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 at a single '
'medical center between May 2021 and August 2021. Patients were divided into three groups '
'according to disease severity. For patients aged ≥65 years, COVID-19 symptom severity was '
'statistically significantly and inversely associated with the adherence to a vegetarian diet '
'(<jats:italic>p</jats:italic> = 0.013). Moreover, subgroup analysis results showed that older '
'COVID-19 patients and those with a non-vegetarian diet had a higher risk of contracting '
'critically severe COVID-19 [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 5.434, <jats:italic>p</jats:italic> = '
'0.005]. Further research is needed to determine the effects of dietary habits on COVID-19 '
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