La deficiencia de vitamina D es un factor de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19
Rocío Adriana Reyes Pérez, Ana Victoria Puente Nieto, Adriana Martínez-Cuazitl, Edgardo Alonso Montelongo Mercado, Arturo Rodríguez Tort
Revista de Sanidad Militar, doi:10.35366/93773
Introduction: At this moment COVID-19 disease has no specific treatment and there is no vaccine available. This disease has an elevated morbidity-mortality not only in Mexico but worldwide, and it is the reason why it's essential to study factors that could modulate the course of the disease; the role of vitamin D seems to have a fundamental role in immunity when we talk about respiratory infections.
Objective: Determine the association between vitamin D levels and mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 at the Hospital Central Militar México. Material and methods: This study included 172 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 whom serum levels of vitamin 25-(OH)-D were determined. Considering as a case the patients who died from COVID-19 and control patients who survived. Results: Vitamin 25-(OH)-D serum levels in hospitlized patients with COVID-19 were 16.54 ± 7.22 ng/mL. The 95.92% presented vitamin D levels below the ideal range. Patients with vitamin D serum levels bellow 8 ng/mL had 3.68 higher risk of dying from COVID-19. Conclusion: Patients with COVID-19 who require hospitalization were deficient in vitamin D and their serum levels were bellow 8 ng/mL. This is considered a risk factor and therefore increases mortality in the disease caused by COVID-19, reason enough to take several actions such as oral suplementation in order to improve vitamin D serum levels.
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