High-Dose Colchicine: Key Factor in the Treatment of Morbidly Obese COVID-19 Patients
Tsanko Mondeshki, Vanyo Mitev
Cureus, doi:10.7759/cureus.58164
Colchicine has long been known to possess anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting microtubules, activation and migration of neutrophils, and most importantly, the inflammasome complex found in neutrophils and monocytes. Due to these properties, a number of clinical trials have tested the therapeutic effect of colchicine in COVID-19 patients. One common feature of these studies, however, is the low therapeutic dose used, which may explain the conflicting and disappointing results. Colchicine has the unique property of accumulating in leukocytes, which are primarily responsible for the hyperactivation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and the cytokine storm. The low-dose colchicine used to treat COVID-19 is not sufficient to reach the necessary intracellular concentration for NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition. We have reported our experience with high-dose colchicine, within the approved therapeutic range, in both ambulatory and hospitalized patients, and have shown dramatic cure rates. Here, we present our observation of an excellent therapeutic effect of high-dose colchicine in morbidly obese COVID-19 patients who are at the highest morbidity and mortality risk.
Additional Information Author Contributions All authors have reviewed the final version to be published and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Concept and design: Vanyo Mitev
Ahmed-Khan, Matar, Coombes, Moin, Joseph et al., Remdesivir-associated acute liver failure in a COVID-19 patient: a case report and literature review, Cureus,
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Lilov, Palaveev, Mitev, High doses of colchicine act as "silver bullets" against severe COVID-19, Cureus,
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Mondeshki, Bilyukov, Mitev, Effect of an accidental colchicine overdose in a COVID-19 inpatient with bilateral pneumonia and pericardial effusion, Cureus,
Mondeshki, Bilyukov, Tomov, Mihaylov, Mitev, Complete, rapid resolution of severe bilateral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome in a COVID-19 patient: role for a unique therapeutic combination of inhalations with bromhexine, higher doses of colchicine, and hymecromone, Cureus,
Petrakis, Margină, Tsarouhas, Obesity -a risk factor for increased COVID-19 prevalence, severity and lethality (review), Mol Med Rep,
Singh, Rathore, Khan, Association of obesity with COVID-19 severity and mortality: an updated systemic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression, Front Endocrinol,
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Who, Obesity, Overweight, None
Zhou, Hill, Sarkar, β-d-N4-hydroxycytidine inhibits SARS-CoV-2 through lethal mutagenesis but is also mutagenic to mammalian cells, J Infect Dis,
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