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Repeat Subcutaneous Administration of REGEN-COV® in Adults is Well-Tolerated and Prevents the Occurrence of COVID-19

Nov 2021  
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Symp. case 93% Improvement Relative Risk Case 93% Casirivimab/i..  Isa et al.  Prophylaxis  DB RCT Is prophylaxis with casirivimab/imdevimab beneficial for COVID-19? Double-blind RCT 969 patients in the USA (July 2020 - May 2021) Fewer symptomatic cases (p=0.0019) and cases (p=0.0018) Isa et al., medRxiv, November 2021 Favorscasirivimab/im.. Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
17th treatment shown to reduce risk in March 2021
*, now with p = 0.00018 from 31 studies, recognized in 45 countries. Efficacy is variant dependent.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,800+ studies for 102 treatments.
RCT 969 patients, 729 treated with monthly subcutaneous casirivimab/imdevimab, showing significantly lower risk of COVID-19 with treatment. There were no grade 3 injection site reactions or hypersensitivity reactions. Slightly more TEAEs were reported with treatment (54.9% vs. 48.3%), due to grade 1-2 ISRs. Serious adverse events were rare and occurred with similar percentages for treatment and control groups. There were no deaths. NCT04519437 (history).
Efficacy is variant dependent. In Vitro research suggests a lack of efficacy for many omicron variants1-6.
risk of symptomatic case, 92.6% lower, RR 0.07, p = 0.002, treatment 3 of 729 (0.4%), control 13 of 240 (5.4%), NNT 20, odds ratio converted to relative risk.
risk of case, 92.7% lower, RR 0.07, p = 0.002, treatment 0 of 729 (0.0%), control 10 of 240 (4.2%), NNT 24, odds ratio converted to relative risk, relative risk is not 0 because of continuity correction due to zero events (with reciprocal of the contrasting arm), seroconversion.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Conflicts of interest: employee of the drug patent holder.
Isa et al., 16 Nov 2021, Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, USA, preprint, 31 authors, study period 26 July, 2020 - 21 May, 2021, trial NCT04519437 (history). Contact:
This PaperCasirivimab/i..All
Repeat Subcutaneous Administration of REGEN-COV® in Adults is Well-Tolerated and Prevents the Occurrence of COVID-19
MD Flonza Isa, Eduardo Forleo-Neto, Jonathan Meyer, Wenjun Zheng, Scott Rasmussen, Danielle Armas, Masaru Oshita, Cynthia Brinson, Steven Folkerth, Lori Faria, Ingeborg Heirman, Neena Sarkar, Bret J Musser, Shikha Bansal, Meagan P O’brien, Kenneth C Turner, Samit Ganguly, Adnan Mahmood, Ajla Dupljak, Andrea T Hooper, Jennifer D Hamilton, Yunji Kim, Bari Kowal, Yuhwen Soo, Gregory P Geba, Leah Lipsich, Ned Braunstein, George D Yancopoulos, David M Weinreich, Gary A Herman
Background: Data show that a single dose of casirivimab and imdevimab (REGEN-COV ® ) is effective in treating hospitalized individuals and outpatients with COVID-19 and in post-exposure prophylaxis. We present results from a phase 1, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of repeat monthly doses of subcutaneous (SC) REGEN-COV in uninfected adult volunteers who were healthy or had chronic stable medical conditions. Methods: Subjects were randomized (3:1) to SC REGEN-COV 1200 mg or placebo dosed every 4 weeks for up to 6 doses. The primary and secondary endpoints evaluated the safety, pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity of multiple-dose administration of REGEN-COV. Efficacy was evaluated by the incidence of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 seroconversion. Results: In total, 969 subjects were treated. Repeat monthly dosing of SC REGEN-COV led to a 92.4% relative risk reduction in clinically-defined COVID-19 compared to placebo (3/729 [0.4%] vs 13/240 [5.4%]; odds ratio: 0.07 [95% CI, 0.01-0.27]), and a 100% reduction in laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (0/729 vs 10/240 [4.2%]; odds ratio 0.00). Development of anti-drug antibodies was low (<5% subjects). No grade ≥3 injection-site reactions (ISRs) or hypersensitivity reactions were reported. A slightly higher percentage of subjects reported TEAEs with REGEN-COV (54.9%) than placebo (48.3%), due to ISRs (all grade 1-2). Serious adverse events were rare and occurred at similar percentages in the REGEN-COV and placebo groups. No deaths were reported in the 6-month treatment period.
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O'brien, Forleo-Neto, Musser, Subcutaneous REGEN-COV antibody combination to prevent Covid-19, N Engl J Med
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{ 'institution': [{'name': 'medRxiv'}], 'indexed': { 'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]], 'date-time': '2021-11-16T17:13:56Z', 'timestamp': 1637082836908}, 'posted': {'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]]}, 'group-title': 'Infectious Diseases (except HIV/AIDS)', 'reference-count': 0, 'publisher': 'Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory', 'content-domain': {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False}, 'short-container-title': [], 'accepted': {'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]]}, 'abstract': '<jats:p><jats:bold>Background:</jats:bold> Data show that a single dose of casirivimab and ' 'imdevimab (REGEN-COV®) is effective in treating hospitalized individuals and outpatients with ' 'COVID-19 and in post-exposure prophylaxis. We present results from a phase 1, double-blind, ' 'placebo-controlled trial evaluating the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of repeat monthly ' 'doses of subcutaneous (SC) REGEN-COV in uninfected adult volunteers who were healthy or had ' 'chronic stable medical conditions.\n' '\n' '<jats:bold>Methods:</jats:bold> Subjects were randomized (3:1) to SC REGEN-COV 1200 mg or ' 'placebo dosed every 4 weeks for up to 6 doses. The primary and secondary endpoints evaluated ' 'the safety, pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity of multiple-dose administration of ' 'REGEN-COV. Efficacy was evaluated by the incidence of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 seroconversion.\n' '\n' '<jats:bold>Results:</jats:bold> In total, 969 subjects were treated. Repeat monthly dosing of ' 'SC REGEN-COV led to a 92.4% relative risk reduction in clinically-defined COVID-19 compared ' 'to placebo (3/729 [0.4%] vs 13/240 [5.4%]; odds ratio: 0.07 [95% CI, 0.01–0.27]), and a 100% ' 'reduction in laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (0/729 vs 10/240 [4.2%]; odds ratio 0.00). ' 'Development of anti-drug antibodies was low (&lt;5% subjects). No grade ≥3 injection-site ' 'reactions (ISRs) or hypersensitivity reactions were reported. A slightly higher percentage of ' 'subjects reported TEAEs with REGEN-COV (54.9%) than placebo (48.3%), due to ISRs (all grade ' '1-2). Serious adverse events were rare and occurred at similar percentages in the REGEN-COV ' 'and placebo groups. No deaths were reported in the 6-month treatment period. \n' '\n' '<jats:bold>Conclusions:</jats:bold> Repeated monthly administration of 1200 mg SC REGEN-COV ' 'was well-tolerated with low immunogenicity, and showed a substantial risk reduction in ' 'COVID-19 occurrence.\n' '\n' '( identifier, <jats:ext-link xmlns:xlink="" ' 'ext-link-type="clintrialgov" xlink:href="NCT04519437">NCT04519437</jats:ext-link>)</jats:p>', 'DOI': '10.1101/2021.11.10.21265889', 'type': 'posted-content', 'created': { 'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]], 'date-time': '2021-11-16T16:56:14Z', 'timestamp': 1637081774000}, 'source': 'Crossref', 'is-referenced-by-count': 0, 'title': [ 'Repeat Subcutaneous Administration of REGEN-COV® in Adults is Well-Tolerated and Prevents the ' 'Occurrence of COVID-19'], 'prefix': '10.1101', 'author': [ {'given': 'Flonza', 'family': 'Isa', 'sequence': 'first', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Eduardo', 'family': 'Forleo-Neto', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Jonathan', 'family': 'Meyer', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Wenjun', 'family': 'Zheng', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Scott', 'family': 'Rasmussen', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Danielle', 'family': 'Armas', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Masaru', 'family': 'Oshita', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Cynthia', 'family': 'Brinson', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Steven', 'family': 'Folkerth', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Lori', 'family': 'Faria', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Ingeborg', 'family': 'Heirman', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Neena', 'family': 'Sarkar', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Bret J.', 'family': 'Musser', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Shikha', 'family': 'Bansal', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Meagan P.', 'family': "O'Brien", 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Kenneth C.', 'family': 'Turner', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Samit', 'family': 'Ganguly', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Adnan', 'family': 'Mahmood', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Ajla', 'family': 'Dupljak', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Andrea T.', 'family': 'Hooper', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Jennifer D.', 'family': 'Hamilton', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Yunji', 'family': 'Kim', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Bari', 'family': 'Kowal', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Yuhwen', 'family': 'Soo', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Gregory P.', 'family': 'Geba', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Leah', 'family': 'Lipsich', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Ned', 'family': 'Braunstein', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'George D.', 'family': 'Yancopoulos', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'David', 'family': 'Weinreich', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'given': 'Gary A.', 'family': 'Herman', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}, {'name': 'the COVID-19 Multi-dose Trial Team', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': []}], 'member': '246', 'container-title': [], 'original-title': [], 'link': [ { 'URL': '', 'content-type': 'unspecified', 'content-version': 'vor', 'intended-application': 'similarity-checking'}], 'deposited': { 'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]], 'date-time': '2021-11-16T16:56:14Z', 'timestamp': 1637081774000}, 'score': 1, 'subtitle': [], 'short-title': [], 'issued': {'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]]}, 'references-count': 0, 'URL': '', 'relation': {}, 'published': {'date-parts': [[2021, 11, 16]]}, 'subtype': 'preprint'}
Please send us corrections, updates, or comments. c19early involves the extraction of 100,000+ datapoints from thousands of papers. Community updates help ensure high accuracy. Treatments and other interventions are complementary. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used based on risk/benefit analysis. No treatment or intervention is 100% available and effective for all current and future variants. We do not provide medical advice. Before taking any medication, consult a qualified physician who can provide personalized advice and details of risks and benefits based on your medical history and situation. FLCCC and WCH provide treatment protocols.
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