Beneficial effect of low dose Aspirin (Acetyl salicylic acid) in adult COVID -19 patients: a retrospective observational study in Bangladesh
Ashaque Husain, Md Abu Sayem, Sm Mostofa Kamal, Monjur E Morshed
Background & objectives: Presently Coronavirus disease 2019 is a huge human misery that is almost unstoppable with little remedy on board. The disease is predominantly associated with inflammation and thrombosis. Although aspirin exhibits excellent anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is yet to be explored in treating Covid-19 patients. In this article we want to bring forth its beneficial effect in Covid-19 case management. Methods: It is a retrospective, non-randomized observational study. Adult Covid-19 patients either diagnosed with RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase polymerized chain reaction), or categorized as probable cases (as per World Health Organization case definition protocol) by medical doctors were enrolled as participants. Data were collected from doctors' office records. Results: Out of 44 participants 42 were eligible (2 children excluded) for the study. Among them 11 participants took low dose aspirin during the disease process. All participants in aspirin group became cured without complication or death (RR 2.2, 95% CI 1.5-3.2, p < 0.001). On the other hand, no aspirin group suffered complications and deaths. Interpretation and conclusions: The study findings revealed that complications were significantly low among aspirin users. It documented that low dose aspirin is beneficial for Covid-19 patients. Further study is warranted with larger sample size.
Discussion The two groups showed significant difference in outcomes. Aspirin intake resulted with no death and a smaller number of complications (tables 3, 4); while aspirin non-users faced deaths or following complications. Myocarditis: It is the inflammation of the myocardium. Pneumonitis: It is the inflammation of the lung tissue that is not caused by infection. Pneumonia: It is the infection of one or both lungs that involves alveoli. Basal fibrosis of lung: It presents with chronic cough, moist rales at lung bases, and basal pulmonary infiltration as revealed by X-ray inspection. Syncopal attack: It is a sudden loss of consciousness and muscle tone due to various reasons. Depressive disorder: It is a mood disorder that causes persistent feeling of sadness. Chronic Bronchitis: It is the chronic inflammation of the bronchus and its branches. Ischemic heart disease: It is a condition when heart muscles get low blood supply due to narrowing of coronary arteries. It may lead to Myocardial infarction that is diagnosed by ECG (Electro Cardiogram), some cardiac bio-markers e.g. Cardiac Troponin, and other invasive tests. That the enrolled cases were contemporary in nature; and that they were treated in similar settings with standard care; might be the strength of the study. But small sized sample statistically limited the strength of the study. But the clinical insight gained from this study may be very useful for Covid-19 case management, especially in low resource settings...
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DOI record:
"DOI": "10.13140/RG.2.2.26038.93762/2",
"URL": "",
"author": [
"literal": "Ashaque Husain"
"literal": "Md Abu Sayem"
"literal": "Sm Mostofa Kamal"
"literal": "Monjur E Morshed"
"container-title": "Unpublished",
"id": "",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"language": "en",
"publisher": "Unpublished",
"title": "Beneficial effect of low dose aspirin ( Acetyl salicylic acid) in adult Covid-19 patients: a retrospective observational study in Bangladesh.",
"type": "article-journal",
"version": "2"