Effect of Aspirin Use on clinical Outcome among Critically Ill Patients with COVID- 19
Rania M Ali, Ayman I Tharwat, Heba A Labib
Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia, doi:10.1080/11101849.2022.2139104
Background: Critically ill COVID-19 patients are at risk of developing major complications with high mortality rate. Aspirin might have favorable effects in severe COVID-19 via various mechanisms besides inhibition of platelet aggregation. The role of aspirin as adjuvant therapy in critically ill patients with COVID-19 has not been studied. In this study, we investigated the correlation between aspirin use and the clinical outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort observational study of critically ill COVID-19 Egyptian patients. Participants were divided into two groups: patients who received aspirin, 150 mg per day orally, upon admission to the intensive care unit, and those who did not. The primary outcome in this study was the shift to invasive ventilatory support. Results: A total of 1190 patients were involved in the study, 660 patients received aspirin, while 530 patients did not. Among aspirin group compared to non-aspirin group, invasive ventilatory support, DVT, PE, stroke, ACS, ARDS, AKI, septic shock, and mortality were less frequent, and the differences were significant except for ACS, AKI, and septic shock. Major bleeding was non-significantly more frequent. The length of ICU stay was significantly longer among non-survivors, and shorter among survivors. The variations between the two groups were significant among subgroups ≥40 or 60. Conclusions: In critically ill patients with COVID-19, aspirin has the potential role as an adjuvant therapeutic, lowering the risk of mechanical ventilation, thromboembolic events, ARDS, and ICU mortality. Patients older than 40 years were a significant category that might benefit from aspirin.
Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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