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High in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 in a community hospital in Spain: a prospective observational study

Trullàs et al., Research Square, doi:10.21203/
Jul 2020  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Mortality 36% Improvement Relative Risk HCQ for COVID-19  Trullàs et al.  LATE TREATMENT Is late treatment with HCQ beneficial for COVID-19? Retrospective 100 patients in Spain Lower mortality with HCQ (not stat. sig., p=0.12) Trullàs et al., Research Square, July 2020 FavorsHCQ Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
HCQ for COVID-19
1st treatment shown to reduce risk in March 2020
*, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 417 studies, recognized in 46 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,900+ studies for 104 treatments.
Retrospective 100 hospitalized patients in Spain showing lower mortality with HCQ+AZ.
Although the 36% lower mortality is not statistically significant, it is consistent with the significant 26% lower mortality [22‑30%] from meta analysis of the 252 mortality results to date.
risk of death, 35.6% lower, RR 0.64, p = 0.12, treatment 20 of 66 (30.3%), control 16 of 34 (47.1%), NNT 6.0.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Trullàs et al., 14 Jul 2020, retrospective, Spain, preprint, median age 75.0, 8 authors, average treatment delay 9.0 days.
This PaperHCQAll
High in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 in a community hospital in Spain: a prospective observational study
Joan Carles Trullàs, Eva Ruiz, Clara Weisweiler, Gemma Badosa, Alba Serra, Hugo Briceño, Sílvia Soler, Josep Bisbe
Background To describe the clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with COVID-19 in a community hospital in Spain Methods Prospective, single-centre case series of the rst 100 consecutive hospitalized patients with COVID-19 at a community hospital in Spain, from March 16 to April 20, 2020. Demographics, comorbidities, clinical presentation, radiologic and laboratory ndings, treatment and clinical outcome were collected. Results Of the 100 patients included in the study, the median age (IQR; range) was 75 years (20; 28-96) and 52% were men. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (63%), diabetes (22%) and cardiovascular diseases (28%). The most common symptoms were fever (80%), cough (69%), fatigue (59%) and dyspnea (52%) and 64% had respiratory insu ciency. Bilateral interstitial in ltrates (65/100, 65%) and bilateral vertical "B-kerley" lines (38/46, 82.6%) were the most common imaging manifestations in chest radiographs and lung ultrasound, respectively. All patients received supplementary oxygen, 69 (69%) received medical treatment (the most common regimen being hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin in 66 patients) and 12% were treated with glucocorticoids. During hospitalization, 26 patients (26%) died, 10 (10%) were transferred to ICU and 64 (64%) were discharged at home. Mortality or ICU admission was more frequent in advanced age and with comorbidities. Conclusions This case series provides clinical characteristics and outcome of consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 admitted to a community hospital in Spain. The majority were old patients, with comorbidities and in-hospital mortality was high (26%).
Consent to participate informed consent was obtained from all participating subjects Availability of data and material: All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article. In addition, the datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Con icts of interest: the authors report no con ict of interest Funding: no funding was received Authors' contributions:
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Bernabeu-Wittel, Ollero-Baturone, Moreno-Gaviño, Development of a new predictive model for polypathological patients. The PROFUND index, doi:10.1016/j.ejim.2010.11.012
Bhatraju, Ghassemieh, Nichols, Covid-19 in Critically Ill Patients in the Seattle Region -Case Series
Grasselli, Zangrillo, Zanella, Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes of 1591 Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 Admitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region
Grasselli, Zangrillo, Zanella, Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes of 1591 Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 Admitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region, Italy, doi:10.1001/jama.2020.5394
Js, Narasimhan, Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area, N Engl J Med, doi:10.1056/NEJMc2010419
Mcmichael, Currie, Clark, Epidemiology of Covid-19 in a Long-Term Care Facility in King County
Spiteri, Fielding, Diercke, First cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the WHO European Region, 24 January to 21, Euro Surveill, doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.9.2000178
{ 'indexed': {'date-parts': [[2022, 4, 3]], 'date-time': '2022-04-03T19:26:58Z', 'timestamp': 1649014018870}, 'posted': {'date-parts': [[2020, 7, 14]]}, 'group-title': 'In Review', 'reference-count': 0, 'publisher': 'Research Square Platform LLC', 'license': [ { 'start': { 'date-parts': [[2020, 7, 14]], 'date-time': '2020-07-14T00:00:00Z', 'timestamp': 1594684800000}, 'content-version': 'unspecified', 'delay-in-days': 0, 'URL': ''}], 'content-domain': {'domain': [], 'crossmark-restriction': False}, 'accepted': {'date-parts': [[2020, 7, 1]]}, 'abstract': '<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title>\n' ' <jats:p>Background To describe the clinical characteristics and outcome of patients ' 'with COVID-19 in a community hospital in SpainMethods Prospective, single-centre case series ' 'of the first 100 consecutive hospitalized patients with COVID-19 at a community hospital in ' 'Spain, from March 16 to April 20, 2020. Demographics, comorbidities, clinical presentation, ' 'radiologic and laboratory findings, treatment and clinical outcome were collected.Results Of ' 'the 100 patients included in the study, the median age (IQR; range) was 75 years (20; 28–96) ' 'and 52% were men. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (63%), diabetes (22%) and ' 'cardiovascular diseases (28%). The most common symptoms were fever (80%), cough (69%), ' 'fatigue (59%) and dyspnea (52%) and 64% had respiratory insufficiency. Bilateral interstitial ' 'infiltrates (65/100, 65%) and bilateral vertical “B-kerley” lines (38/46, 82.6%) were the ' 'most common imaging manifestations in chest radiographs and lung ultrasound, respectively. ' 'All patients received supplementary oxygen, 69 (69%) received medical treatment (the most ' 'common regimen being hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin in 66 patients) and 12% were ' 'treated with glucocorticoids. During hospitalization, 26 patients (26%) died, 10 (10%) were ' 'transferred to ICU and 64 (64%) were discharged at home. Mortality or ICU admission was more ' 'frequent in advanced age and with comorbidities.Conclusions This case series provides ' 'clinical characteristics and outcome of consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 ' 'admitted to a community hospital in Spain. The majority were old patients, with comorbidities ' 'and in-hospital mortality was high (26%).</jats:p>', 'DOI': '10.21203/', 'type': 'posted-content', 'created': {'date-parts': [[2020, 7, 14]], 'date-time': '2020-07-14T18:36:48Z', 'timestamp': 1594751808000}, 'source': 'Crossref', 'is-referenced-by-count': 0, 'title': 'High in-hospital mortality due to COVID-19 in a community hospital in Spain: a prospective ' 'observational study', 'prefix': '10.21203', 'author': [ { 'ORCID': '', 'authenticated-orcid': False, 'given': 'Joan Carles', 'family': 'Trullàs', 'sequence': 'first', 'affiliation': [{'name': "Hospital d'Olot"}]}, { 'given': 'Eva', 'family': 'Ruiz', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Hospital de Olot'}]}, { 'given': 'Clara', 'family': 'Weisweiler', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Universitat de Girona'}]}, { 'given': 'Gemma', 'family': 'Badosa', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Hospital de Olot'}]}, { 'given': 'Alba', 'family': 'Serra', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Hospital de Olot'}]}, { 'given': 'Hugo', 'family': 'Briceño', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Hospital de Olot'}]}, { 'given': 'Sílvia', 'family': 'Soler', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Hospital de Olot'}]}, { 'given': 'Josep', 'family': 'Bisbe', 'sequence': 'additional', 'affiliation': [{'name': 'Hospital de Olot'}]}], 'member': '8761', 'container-title': [], 'original-title': [], 'link': [ { 'URL': '', 'content-type': 'text/html', 'content-version': 'vor', 'intended-application': 'text-mining'}, { 'URL': '', 'content-type': 'unspecified', 'content-version': 'vor', 'intended-application': 'similarity-checking'}], 'deposited': { 'date-parts': [[2020, 9, 3]], 'date-time': '2020-09-03T22:14:33Z', 'timestamp': 1599171273000}, 'score': 1, 'resource': {'primary': {'URL': ''}}, 'subtitle': [], 'short-title': [], 'issued': {'date-parts': [[2020, 7, 14]]}, 'references-count': 0, 'URL': '', 'relation': {}, 'published': {'date-parts': [[2020, 7, 14]]}, 'subtype': 'preprint'}
Late treatment
is less effective
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