Conv. Plasma
Nigella Sativa

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Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours

Stone et al., Biologics, doi:10.3390/biologics2030015 (date from preprint)
Nov 2021  
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Zinc for COVID-19
2nd treatment shown to reduce risk in July 2020
*, now with p = 0.00000032 from 46 studies, recognized in 17 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,800+ studies for 102 treatments.
Retrospective severe COVID-19 patients in Zimbabwe treated with ivermectin, doxycycline, and zinc. For 34 with SpO2 tracking, there was rapid improvement in SpO2, with 55% recovery towards SpO2 97 within 12 hours. The preprint shows further analysis of all 92 severe cases: there were 2 deaths and 2 additional progressions prior to recovery, significantly less than a predicted 7 deaths and 17 deteriorations based on demographics and risk factors1.
Study covers ivermectin and zinc.
Stone et al., 9 Nov 2021, retrospective, South Africa, peer-reviewed, mean age 55.0, 7 authors, study period August 2020 - May 2021. Contact: (corresponding author).
This PaperZincAll
Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours
Jaqueline C Stone, Pisirai Ndarukwa, David E Scheim, Barry M Dancis, Jerome Dancis, Martin G Gill, Colleen Aldous
Biologics, doi:10.3390/biologics2030015
The emergence of COVID-19 in March 2020 challenged Zimbabwe to respond with limited medical facilities and therapeutic options. Based on early clinical indications of efficacy for the macrocyclic lactone, Ivermectin (IVM), against COVID-19, IVM-based combination treatments were deployed to treat it. Oxygen saturation (SpO2) data were retrospectively analyzed for 34 severe, hypoxic COVID-19 patients all on room air (without supplemental oxygen). The patients, median age 56.5, were treated at clinics or at home between August 2020 and May 2021. All but three of these 34 patients had significantly increased SpO2 values within 24 h after the first IVM dose. The mean increase in SpO2 as a percentage of full normalization to SpO2 = 97 was 55.1% at +12 h and 62.3% at +24 h after the first IVM dose (paired t-test, p < 0.0000001). These results parallel similar sharp, rapid increases in SpO2, all on room air, for 24 mostly severe COVID-19 patients in the USA (California) who were given an IVM-based combination treatment. All patients in both of these critical series recovered. These rapid increases in SpO2 values after IVM treatment stand in sharp contrast to declines in SpO2 and associated pulmonary function through the second week following the onset of moderate or severe COVID-19 symptoms under standard care.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study. Abbreviations The
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The patients, median age 56.5, were treated at clinics or at home between August ' '2020 and May 2021. All but three of these 34 patients had significantly increased SpO2 values ' 'within 24 h after the first IVM dose. The mean increase in SpO2 as a percentage of full ' 'normalization to SpO2 = 97 was 55.1% at +12 h and 62.3% at +24 h after the first IVM dose ' '(paired t-test, p &lt; 0.0000001). These results parallel similar sharp, rapid increases in ' 'SpO2, all on room air, for 24 mostly severe COVID-19 patients in the USA (California) who ' 'were given an IVM-based combination treatment. All patients in both of these critical series ' 'recovered. 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Late treatment
is less effective
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