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Nutritional and lifestyle changes required for minimizing the recovery period in home quarantined COVID-19 patients of Punjab, Pakistan

Rabail et al., Food Science & Nutrition, doi:10.1002/fsn3.2458
Jul 2021  
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Vitamin D for COVID-19
8th treatment shown to reduce risk in October 2020
*, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 122 studies, recognized in 9 countries.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,900+ studies for 102 treatments.
Survey of 80 recovered COVID-19 patients in Pakistan, showing faster recovery with vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc supplementation.
Study covers exercise, diet, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
Rabail et al., 9 Jul 2021, Pakistan, peer-reviewed, survey, 11 authors, study period November 2020 - February 2021. Contact:,,
This PaperVitamin DAll
Nutritional and lifestyle changes required for minimizing the recovery period in home quarantined COVID‐19 patients of Punjab, Pakistan
Roshina Rabail, Javeria Saleem, Zunera Tanveer, Simon G Patching, Abdur Rauf Khalid, Muhammad Tauseef Sultan, Muhammad Faisal Manzoor, Emad Karrar, Muhammad Inam‐ur‐raheem, Muhammad Asim Shabbir, Rana Muhammad Aadil
Food Science & Nutrition, doi:10.1002/fsn3.2458
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a new battle in human history for a safe and fearless life. Therefore, this cross-sectional survey was conducted (Punjab, Pakistan) on healthy recovered, home quarantined COVID-19 patients to draw conclusive health support guidelines in the fight against this pandemic. COVID-19 recovered patients (n = 80) of age ≥14 years were randomly selected during the period November 2020 to February 2021. A nutrition and lifestyle changes questionnaire, containing ten sections and seventy questions, was completed through the telephone/WhatsApp. Data were transferred into an Excel spreadsheet and statistically analyzed by applying chi-square, correlation, and a t test of independent values using SPSS-16 software. The patients had an age range of 14 to 80 years, of which 52 (65%) were male and 28 (35%) were female, and 32 (40%) had a normal BMI. The patients had a peak COVID-19 recovery period of 2 weeks, and a mean recovery period of 2.8 ± 1.4 weeks. Certain variables, including gender (males), age (>40 years), sleep (≤5 hr), less/no physical activity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and autoimmune diseases, were significantly associated with delayed recovery. Poor nutritional outcomes, including lower intakes of water, legumes, nuts, meat, and milk/yogurt; and
A PPEN D I X 1 N UTR ITI O N A N D LI FE S T Y LE M O D I FI C ATI O N Q U E S TI O N N A I R E FO R COV I D -19 PATI E NT S None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions How many portions of milk or yogurt do you consume per day? (1 serving =150 ml in a cup or 125 g a jar) None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions How many portions of cheese or dairy products do you consume per week? (1 portion of dairy product =100 g; 1 portion of matured cheese =50 g) None/Half portions/1 portion/2 portions/> 2 portions How many eggs do you consume per week? None/1 egg/2 eggs/4 eggs/> 4 eggs Did your lifestyle and eating habits changed during the COVID−19 pandemic period? No, they didn't/yes, it get worse/yes, it improved Did you change the number of daily meals, during this period? No, it did't/Yes, I skip 1 or more of the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)/Yes, I skip 1 or more of snacks between meals/Yes I added 1 or more of the main meals/Yes, I added 1 or more of the snacks between meals/Yes, I eat out of the meals
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