Bromhexine Hydrochloride Prophylaxis of COVID-19 for Medical Personnel: A Randomized Open-Label Study
MD, PhD Evgeny N Mikhaylov, MD, PhD Tamara A Lyubimtseva, MD Aleksandr D Vakhrushev, MD, DESA Dmitry Stepanov, MD, PhD Dmitry S Lebedev, MD Elena Yu Vasilieva, MD, PhD Alexandra O Konradi, MD, PhD Evgeny V Shlyakhto
Background: Bromhexine hydrochloride has been suggested as a TMPRSS2 protease blocker that precludes the penetration of SARS-CoV-2 into cells. We aimed to assess the preventive potential of regular bromhexine hydrochloride intake for COVID-19 risk reduction in medical staff actively involved in the evaluation and treatment of patients with confirmed or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Methods : In a single-center randomized open-label study, medical staff managing patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 were enrolled and followed up for 8 weeks. The study began at the initiation of COVID-19 management in the clinic. The study was prematurely terminated after the enrollμent of 50 participants without a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection: 25 were assigned to bromhexine hydrochloride treatment (8 mg 3 times per day), and 25 were controls. The composite primary endpoint was a positive nasopharyngeal swab polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for SARS-CoV-2 or signs of clinical infection within 28 days and at week 8. Secondary endpoints included: time from the first contact with a person with COVID-19 to the appearance of respiratory infection symptoms; the number of days before a first positive SARS-CoV-2 test; the number of asymptomatic participants with a positive nasopharyngeal swab test; the number of symptomatic COVID-19 cases; adverse events. Results: The rate of the combined primary endpoint did not differ significantly between the active treatment group (2/25 [8%]) and control group (7/25 [28%]); P=0.07. A fewer number of participants developed symptomatic COVID-19 in the treatment group compared to controls (0/25 vs 5/25; P = 0.02).
Conclusion: Although the study was underpowered, it showed that Bromhexine hydrochloride prophylaxis was associated with a reduced rate of symptomatic COVID-19. The prophylactic treatment was not associated with a lower combined primary endpoint rate, a positive swab PCR test, or NCT04405999
Control group Overall
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'abstract': '<jats:p>Background. Bromhexine hydrochloride has been suggested as a TMPRSS2 protease blocker '
'that precludes the penetration of SARS-CoV-2 into cells. We aimed to assess the preventive '
'potential of regular bromhexine hydrochloride intake for COVID-19 risk reduction in medical '
'staff actively involved in the evaluation and treatment of patients with confirmed or '
'suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods. In a single-centre randomized open-label study, '
'medical staff managing patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 were enrolled and '
'followed up for 8 weeks. The study began at the initiation of COVID-19 management in the '
'clinic. The study was prematurely terminated after the enrollment of 50 participants without '
'a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection: 25 were assigned to bromhexine hydrochloride treatment '
'(8\u2009mg 3 times per day), and 25 were controls. The composite primary endpoint was a '
'positive nasopharyngeal swab polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for SARS-CoV-2 or signs of '
'clinical infection within 28 days and at week 8. Secondary endpoints included time from the '
'first contact with a person with COVID-19 to the appearance of respiratory infection '
'symptoms; the number of days before a first positive SARS-CoV-2 test; the number of '
'asymptomatic participants with a positive nasopharyngeal swab test; the number of symptomatic '
'COVID-19 cases; and adverse events. Results. The rate of the combined primary endpoint did '
'not differ significantly between the active treatment group (2/25 [8%]) and control group '
'(7/25 [28%]); <jats:inline-formula>\n'
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' <mi>P</mi>\n'
' <mo>=</mo>\n'
' <mn>0.07</mn>\n'
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' </jats:inline-formula>. A fewer number of participants developed '
'symptomatic COVID-19 in the treatment group compared to controls (0/25 vs. 5/25; '
' <math xmlns="" id="M2">\n'
' <mi>P</mi>\n'
' <mo>=</mo>\n'
' <mn>0.02</mn>\n'
' </math>\n'
' </jats:inline-formula>). Conclusion. Although the study was underpowered, '
'it showed that Bromhexine hydrochloride prophylaxis was associated with a reduced rate of '
'symptomatic COVID-19. The prophylactic treatment was not associated with a lower combined '
'primary endpoint rate, a positive swab PCR test, or COVID-19 ( number, '
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