Abstract: Received: 7 October 2020
Revised: 27 February 2021
Accepted: 23 March 2021
DOI: 10.1002/ptr.7116
The effect of propolis plus Hyoscyamus niger L. methanolic
extract on clinical symptoms in patients with acute respiratory
syndrome suspected to COVID-19: A clinical trial
Morteza Kosari1,2
Ahmad Najafi
Mehdi Noureddini3
Amir Ghaderi
Department of Biology, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Gametogenesis Research Center, Kashan
University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Physiology Research Center, Kashan
University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
| Seyed Peyman Khamechi4,5
Mojtaba Sehat
Hamid Reza Banafshe3,8,10
The outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a global health
crisis. Nevertheless, no antiviral treatment has yet been proven effective for treating
COVID-19 and symptomatic supportive cares have been the most common treatment. Therefore, the present study was designed to evaluate the effects of propolis
Department of Persian Medicine, School of
Persian Medicine, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
and Hyoscyamus niger L. extract in patients with COVID-19. This randomized clinical
versity of medical sciences, Iran. Subjects were divided into two groups (intervention
Evidence Based Integrative Medicine
Research Center, Kashan University of Medical
Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Department of Internal Medicine, School of
Medicine, Kashan University of Medical
sciences, Kashan, Iran
Clinical Research Development Unit-Matini/
Kargarnejad Hospital, Kashan University of
Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Department of Addiction Studies, School of
Medical, Kashan University of Medical
Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Trauma Research Center, Kashan University
of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Department of Pharmacology, School of
Medicine, Kashan University of Medical
Sciences, Kashan, Iran
trial was conducted on 50 cases referred to Akhavan and Sepehri Clinics, Kashan uniand placebo). This syrup (containing 1.6 mg of methanolic extract along with 450 mg
of propolis per 10 mL) was administered three times a day to each patient for 6 days.
The clinical symptoms of COVID-19 such as: dry cough, shortness of breath, sore
throat, chest pain, fever, dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea were
reduced with propolis plus Hyoscyamus niger L. extract than the placebo group. However, the administration of syrup was not effective in the control of nausea and
vomiting. In conclusion, syrup containing propolis and Hyoscyamus niger L. extract
had beneficial effects in ameliorating the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 disease,
in comparison with placebo groups.
COVID-19, Hyoscyamus niger L., propolis
Hamid Reza Banafshe, Department of
Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Kashan
University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.
Email: banafshe57@hotmail.com
Funding information
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
related to the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) (Fauci, Lane, & Redfield, 2020). People with COVID-19 have
The latest threat to global health is the ongoing outbreak of the respi-
had different symptoms ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.
ratory disease that was recently given the name COVID-19 (Acter
Patient with fever, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, loss of taste or
et al., 2020). COVID-19 was recognized in..
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'crisis. Nevertheless, no antiviral treatment has yet been proven effective for treating '
'COVID‐19 and symptomatic supportive cares have been the most common treatment. Therefore, the '
'present study was designed to evaluate the effects of propolis and <jats:italic>Hyoscyamus '
'niger</jats:italic> L. extract in patients with COVID‐19. This randomized clinical trial was '
'conducted on 50 cases referred to Akhavan and Sepehri Clinics, Kashan university of medical '
'sciences, Iran. Subjects were divided into two groups (intervention and placebo). This syrup '
'(containing 1.6\u2009mg of methanolic extract along with 450\u2009mg of propolis per 10\u2009'
'mL) was administered three times a day to each patient for 6\u2009days. The clinical symptoms '
'of COVID‐19 such as: dry cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chest pain, fever, '
'dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea were reduced with propolis plus '
'<jats:italic>Hyoscyamus niger</jats:italic> L. extract than the placebo group. However, the '
'administration of syrup was not effective in the control of nausea and vomiting. In '
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