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Evaluation of Serum Trace Element Levels and Biochemical Parameters of COVID-19 Patients According to Disease Severity

Kocak et al., Biological Trace Element Research, doi:10.1007/s12011-021-02946-1
Oct 2021  
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Analysis of 60 COVID-19 patients and 32 healthy controls, showing that zinc and selenium levels were significantly lower in COVID-19 patients compared to controls. Zinc levels decreased with increasing disease severity from asymptomatic to severe disease. Selenium levels were significantly lower in mild and severe COVID-19 patients compared to controls and asymptomatic patients.
Study covers zinc and selenium.
Kocak et al., 4 Oct 2021, retrospective, Turkey, peer-reviewed, 7 authors. Contact:
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Evaluation of Serum Trace Element Levels and Biochemical Parameters of COVID-19 Patients According to Disease Severity
Omer Faruk Kocak, Fatma Betul Ozgeris, Emine Parlak, Yucel Kadıoglu, Neslihan Yuce, Mehmet Emrah Yaman, Ebubekir Bakan
Biological Trace Element Research, doi:10.1007/s12011-021-02946-1
While the COVID-19 disease progresses mildly or asymptomatically in some people, its progression is severe and symptomatic in others, and it is an issue that requires a scientific response regarding the disease. The present study includes 60 people infected with COVID-19, and the cases were divided into the following groups: asymptomatic, mild, moderate, and severe. Serum Zn, Se, and Cu levels of these groups were analyzed by ICP-MS. All measurements in the patients were compared with those of 32 healthy individuals. When the patient group is compared with the control group, the serum Zn and Se concentrations were statistically low (p < 0.001) in the patient group. Serum Zn level decreased significantly in 4 different patient groups compared to the control group. Although the serum Se level decreased in all four patient groups compared to the control group, the change in Se level was statistically significant only in the severe and mild patient groups. This study examined serum Zn, Se concentrations, and biochemical parameters in patients with different severity of COVID-19, compared them with healthy individuals, and revealed new targets for diagnosis and treatment by revealing those data that may be important.
Consent to Participate Not applicable. Consent for Publication Not applicable. Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests. Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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