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Beyond probiotic legend: ESSAP gut microbiota health score to delineate SARS-COV-2 infection severity

Hegazy et al., British Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.1017/S0007114521001926, NCT04447144
Jun 2021  
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Moderate/severe case 46% Improvement Relative Risk Exercise for COVID-19  Hegazy et al.  Prophylaxis Does physical activity reduce risk for COVID-19? Retrospective 200 patients in Egypt Fewer moderate/severe cases with higher activity levels (not stat. sig., p=0.11) Hegazy et al., British J. Nutrition, Jun 2021 Favorsexercise Favorsinactivity 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
Exercise for COVID-19
9th treatment shown to reduce risk in October 2020, now with p < 0.00000000001 from 68 studies.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,400+ studies for 118 treatments.
Analysis of 200 mild and moderate COVID-19 outpatients showing an association between higher ESSAP scores (measuring exercise, sugar and prebiotic consumption, sleep, and antibiotic use) and milder COVID-19 disease. Authors find increased risk with daily yogurt containing probiotics. Probiotic intake based on yogurt only may be inaccurate. Authors hypothesize that commercial yogurt products may not contain sufficient beneficial bacteria or may be contaminated. Other research shows that probiotic food labels are often misleading—of 26 probiotic foods tested, only 5 contained Bifidobacterium in sufficient concentration for exhibiting a therapeutic effect1. For sleep, authors compare <8 hours and ≥8 hours, while sleep for less than or longer than a recommended range may indicate increased risk.
Study covers exercise and probiotics.
risk of moderate/severe case, 45.6% lower, RR 0.54, p = 0.11, high activity levels 24 of 82 (29.3%), low activity levels 7 of 13 (53.8%), NNT 4.1, >10min/day vs. none.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Hegazy et al., 7 Jun 2021, retrospective, Egypt, peer-reviewed, 10 authors, trial NCT04447144 (history). Contact:
This PaperExerciseAll
Beyond probiotic legend: ESSAP gut microbiota health score to delineate SARS-COV-2 infection severity
Mona Hegazy, Omar Ahmed Ashoush, Mohamed Tharwat Hegazy, Mahmoud Wahba, Rania M Lithy, Hoda M Abdel-Hamid, Samah Ahmed Abd Elshafy, Dalia Abdelfatah, Maha Hossam El-Din Ibrahim, Ahmed Abdelghani
British Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.1017/s0007114521001926
COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a global health crisis. The gut microbiome critically affects the immune system, and some respiratory infections are associated with changes in the gut microbiome; here, we evaluated the role of nutritional and lifestyle habits that modulate gut microbiota on COVID-19 outcomes in a longitudinal cohort study that included 200 patients infected with COVID-19. Of these, 122 cases were mild and seventy-eight were moderate, according to WHO classification. After detailed explanation by a consultant in clinical nutrition, participants responded to a written questionnaire on daily sugar, prebiotic intake in food, sleeping hours, exercise duration and antibiotic prescription, during the past 1 year before infection. Daily consumption of prebiotic-containing foods, less sugar, regular exercise, adequate sleep and fewer antibiotic prescriptions led to a milder disease and rapid virus clearance. Additionally, data on these factors were compiled into a single score, the ESSAP score (Exercise, Sugar consumption, Sleeping hours, Antibiotics taken, and Prebiotics consumption; 0-11 points), median ESSAP score was 5 for both mild and moderate cases; however, the range was 4-8 in mild cases, but 1-6 in moderate (P = 0•001, OR: 4•2, 95 % CI 1•9, 9•1); our results showed a negative correlation between regular consumption of yogurt containing probiotics and disease severity (P = 0•007, OR: 1•6, 95 % CI 1•1, 2•1). Mild COVID-19 disease was associated with 10-20 min of daily exercise (P = 0•016), sleeping at least 8 h daily, prescribed antibiotics less than 5 times per year (P = 0•077) and ate plenty of prebiotic-containing food.
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DOI record: { "DOI": "10.1017/s0007114521001926", "ISSN": [ "0007-1145", "1475-2662" ], "URL": "", "abstract": "<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a global health crisis. The gut microbiome critically affects the immune system, and some respiratory infections are associated with changes in the gut microbiome; here, we evaluated the role of nutritional and lifestyle habits that modulate gut microbiota on COVID-19 outcomes in a longitudinal cohort study that included 200 patients infected with COVID-19. Of these, 122 cases were mild and seventy-eight were moderate, according to WHO classification. After detailed explanation by a consultant in clinical nutrition, participants responded to a written questionnaire on daily sugar, prebiotic intake in food, sleeping hours, exercise duration and antibiotic prescription, during the past 1 year before infection. Daily consumption of prebiotic-containing foods, less sugar, regular exercise, adequate sleep and fewer antibiotic prescriptions led to a milder disease and rapid virus clearance. Additionally, data on these factors were compiled into a single score, the ESSAP score (Exercise, Sugar consumption, Sleeping hours, Antibiotics taken, and Prebiotics consumption; 0–11 points), median ESSAP score was 5 for both mild and moderate cases; however, the range was 4–8 in mild cases, but 1–6 in moderate (<jats:italic>P</jats:italic> = 0·001, OR: 4·2, 95 % CI 1·9, 9·1); our results showed a negative correlation between regular consumption of yogurt containing probiotics and disease severity (<jats:italic>P</jats:italic> = 0·007, OR: 1·6, 95 % CI 1·1, 2·1). 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