in individuals at high risk of COVID-19
MD Enes Guler, O Bilir, A Osman Kocak, I Atas, A E Tanugur Samanci
OBJECTIVE: No prophylactic treatment is available for individuals at high risk of developing COVID-19. This study, which was conducted between December 25, 2020, and January 25, 2021, is one of the first clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy of Anatolian propolis supplement against COVID-19. The aim was to obtain evidence on the prophylactic use of Anatolian propolis in individuals at high risk of developing COVID-19. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This volunteer-based study was conducted in two centers. The study involved 209 healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, medical secretaries) from Emergency Medicine Department of Medical Faculty of Ataturk University and Emergency Medicine Department of Rize Recep Tayyip Erdogan University. 204 participants meeting the study criteria were divided into two groups as experimental group and control group. The experimental group received 20 drops of BEE'O UP (BEE&YOU) 30% Propolis drops twice a day during a follow-up period of 1 month. The control group received no supplement but was followed up. The participants showing symptoms during the study and all the participants at the end the study were subjected to PCR testing. RESULTS: The evaluation of the results of PCR testing at the end of the study has shown that 14 participants from the control group and only 2 participants from the experimental group, who received Anatolian propolis supplement, were reported as positive cases. CONCLUSIONS: It has been found that a statistically significant protection was induced against COVID-19 infection in 98% of the experimental group, who received Anatolian propolis, compared to the control group.
Authors' Contributions Authors equally contributed to planning, experiment, writing the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest Aslı Elif Tanugur Samanci is the Scientific Director of SBS Scientific Bio Solutions Bee&You R&D Center, Istanbul, Turkey.
Informed Consent Patients participated in the study voluntarily and written consent was obtained to have these data.
Ethics Approval The patients who will participate in the study and the documents obtained after the study were examined and approved by the Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee. This committee has provided prospective ethical approval for this study.
ORCID ID Enes Güler: 0000-0003-4926-0332 Ozlem Bilir: 0000-0001-9016-1665 Abdullah Osman Kocak: 0000-0002-1678-4474 İsmail Atas: 0000-0001-6723-8564 Aslı Elif Tanugur Samanci: 0000-0003-1639-6495
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DOI record:
"DOI": "10.26355/eurrev_202212_30483",
"ISSN": "1128-3602, 2284-0729",
"URL": "",
"abstract": "OBJECTIVE: No prophylactic treatment is available for individuals at high risk of developing COVID-19. This study, which was conducted between December 25, 2020, and January 25, 2021, is one of the first clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy of Anatolian propolis supplement against COVID-19. The aim was to obtain evidence on the prophylactic use of Anatolian propolis in individuals at high risk of developing COVID-19. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This volunteer-based study was conducted in two centers. The study involved 209 healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, medical secretaries) from Emergency Medicine Department of Medical Faculty of Ataturk University and Emergency Medicine Department of Rize Recep Tayyip Erdogan University. 204 participants meeting the study criteria were divided into two groups as experimental group and control group. The experimental group received 20 drops of BEE’O UP (BEE&YOU) 30% Propolis drops twice a day during a follow-up period of 1 month. The control group received no supplement but was followed up. The participants showing symptoms during the study and all the participants at the end the study were subjected to PCR testing. RESULTS: The evaluation of the results of PCR testing at the end of the study has shown that 14 participants from the control group and only 2 participants from the experimental group, who received Anatolian propolis supplement, were reported as positive cases. CONCLUSIONS: It has been found that a statistically significant protection was induced against COVID-19 infection in 98% of the experimental group, who received Anatolian propolis, compared to the control group.",
"author": [
"family": "Guler",
"given": "E."
"family": "Bilir",
"given": "O."
"family": "Osman Kocak",
"given": "A."
"family": "Atas",
"given": "I."
"family": "Tanugur Samanci",
"given": "A.E."
"container-title": "European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences",
"issue": "2 Suppl",
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"language": "eng",
"medium": "JB",
"page": "53-60",
"page-first": "53",
"publisher": "Verduci Editore s.r.l.",
"publisher-place": "IT",
"title": "The prophylactic efficacy of Anatolian propolis in individuals at high risk of COVID-19",
"type": "article-journal",
"volume": "26"