Conv. Plasma
Mpro inhibitors
Nigella Sativa
RdRp inhibitors

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Colchicine Meta Nigella Sativa Meta
Conv. Plasma Meta Nitazoxanide Meta
Curcumin Meta PPIs Meta
Fluvoxamine Meta Quercetin Meta
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Sanitarium Treatment of Influenza

Ruble, W. Life and Health, May 1919, 34:5
May 1919  
  Source   PDF   All Studies   Meta AnalysisMeta
Sunlight for COVID-19
32nd treatment shown to reduce risk in December 2021, now with p = 0.000052 from 5 studies.
Lower risk for mortality, hospitalization, recovery, and cases.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,500+ studies for 118 treatments.
Retrospective comparison of army hospital vs. sanitarium treatment of influenza, showing lower progression to pneumonia and lower mortality with sanitarium treatment.
Study covers sunlight and thermotherapy.
Ruble et al., 1 May 1919, retrospective, USA, preprint, 1 author, this trial uses multiple treatments in the treatment arm (combined with sunlight, hydrothermotherapy, fresh air, rest) - results of individual treatments may vary.
This PaperSunlightAll
Abstract: ON, D. C. TEN CENTS A COP) xv,VVIAtIlp,(0,1,t_IP 999999 . IP IP IPIA),IIMAIXTALKIMMALL4 / • IP ni P Z,I.I,tII_, 11 141,1.A 1 ON IMMIV__ ,KPAMX, 11, , 1,11Napt,M.p,IfI '10 4 t 43, 1...,... .4 A 41.1 .4- t. onus , i'l 5 au r ta um . t t '49 • • • t • • • i• • • - • „.. - 1• • - i • I IN i cr • • -- • I " Tr 2: 4.„,v, 4 I Ail/El !! C " It 1_ iiiiiiiii !I . . • . • . I . • sr. HELENA • .,- ' 8'AIVITA AY L/M • -* • • • THE MAIN BUILDING—SHOWING THREE OF THE FIVE STORIES 3New Concrete Hydrotherapy Building at the Right A WAY from the noise, excitement, and contamination of the city, and nestled close to the heart of nature, on a beauti- I R ..Zi ioJ i- , ii,-4' -4 i, 4 t; i Y, -, --; .i.,'; Health is Contagious at St. Helena ,,, .., 4 1*. 51 1 ,,, EVERY modern facility favorably known to medical science in the treatment of curable conditions, has been incorporated into the institutional regime. Thus nature and science have combiped to make the St. Helena Sanitarium all that can be desired by the diseased body or the weary mind. !,,7 .'. ,il -,- . # 04-.! 1i It, S ITS natural setting, in A forest of live-oaks, firs, manzanitas, and madronas, together with an almost unending varietyof flowers and foliage, gives a beauty and fragrance to the place that beggars description. It must be seen' and enjoyed to be appreciated. . . . , ,'; * :.5. 'Ti o... ,,.. ,;.1 fully wooded slope of Howell Mt., is situated the St. Helena Sanitarium. El -4'' „,. , . p1 Sixty-five miles from San Francisco, easily accessible by either steam or electric line; three and one-half miles from St. Helena; 750 feet above the sea level; splendid climatic conditions at all seasons of the year; pure mountain water; beautiful view of valley, mountain, and plain; seven physicians, seventy nurses; excellent service, liberal cuisine,— these and many other advantag es are to be enjoyed at this beauty spot of California. 1 t,4 5 4 '.. y... 5 . Xbe Rpt. jtyletta *nit rium *anitarium, laapa Countp - - - ..1 rMaw lAvIrmi ti rOtrectrititeareari~riare i rrictrigariaresThamill'i b 1 tirareillYearar . iifailitil • 4.. Ca lif ornia Ii . • r When you write to our advertisers, please say, ' I saw your ad.' in LIFE AND HEALTH.” Published monthly by the REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSN., TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1904, at the Post Office at Washington, D. C., under ine Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at specksl rate of postage provided for 4n Kim 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized on June 12, 1918. Vol... 34 No. 5 MAY, 1919 CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL Every Home a Sanitarium GENERAL ARTICLES How to Avoid Influenza A. B. Olsen, M. D., D. P. H. The Value of Sanitarium Treatment in Respiratory Diseases L. E. Elliott, M. D. Home Treatments L. A. Hansen. The Aftermath of Influenza Mary W. Paulson, M. D. FOOD CONSERVATION A Variety of Recipes George E. Cornforth. 99 101 103 105 111 112 114 AS WE SEE IT Influenza and Its Deadly Work — Sanitarium Treatment of Influenza — Undernutrition or Overnutrition, Which? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 117 Pierce's Remedies; Albuminized Iron; General Tonic — After-effects of Influenza — Mushrooms; Brain Food — Rheumatism — Soreness of Chest — Boils — Enlarged Tonsils; Deafness; Bedwetting — Milk Diet for Emaciation — Poultice for Boils — Castoria — Swollen Ankle. NEWS NOTES 120 SUBSCRIPTION RATES.— One..
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