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Safety evaluation of high bioavailability curcumin in Healthy Japanese Adults: A Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group comparison study

Lee et al., Functional Foods in Health and Disease, doi:10.31989/ffhd.v13i12.1207
Dec 2023  
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Curcumin for COVID-19
15th treatment shown to reduce risk in February 2021, now with p = 0.0000000096 from 27 studies.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments.
5,300+ studies for 115 treatments.
Safety RCTs for highly bioavailable curcumin supplements CR-033P and TS-P1 in healthy Japanese adults, testing 150 mg/day curcumin equivalent of CR-033P or TS-P1 for 12 weeks, and 750 mg/day curcumin equivalent of TS-P1 for 4 weeks. Both trials found no medically concerning changes in liver function markers, hematological parameters, or occurrence of adverse events related to the supplements.
Lee et al., 20 Dec 2023, Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial, placebo-controlled, Japan, peer-reviewed, 6 authors, study period 25 August, 2022 - 27 November, 2022.
This PaperCurcuminAll
Safety evaluation of high bioavailability curcumin in Healthy Japanese Adults: A Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group comparison study
Hyunjin Lee, Yoshitaka Kuwabara, Akiko Hirose, Toshihiro Kakinuma, Asami Baba, Tsuyoshi Takara
Functional Foods in Health and Disease, doi:10.31989/ffhd.v13i12.1207
Background: Curcumin is the principal component responsible for the pharmacological action of Curcuma longa. It has been proven to exhibit a diverse range of functions. It has been used in many fields as a spice, coloring agent, cosmetic, and food preservative. Objective: To evaluate the safety of the intake of highly bioavailable curcumin (CR-033P and TS-P1) in humans. Methods: We conducted two trials. The participants were healthy Japanese adults. Participants of tria1 1 (Long-term intake trial) took CR-033P or TS-P1 for 12 weeks (as curcumin 150 mg/day). Participants of Trial 2 (Excessive intake trial) took TS-P1 for 4 weeks (as curcumin 750 mg/day). The safety assessment involved monitoring the occurrence of side effects or adverse events, along with the analysis of urinalysis and blood parameters. Results: The safety analysis population of Trial 1 included 33 participants in the CR-033P group, 32 participants TS-P1, Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2023;13(12):702-716 FFHD Page 703 of 716 INTRODUCTION Curcuma longa has long garnered significant attention for its pharmacological effects. Not only used as a spice, coloring agent, cosmetic, and food preservative, it has also been utilized for medicinal purposes in India, China, and the rest of South-east Asia [1]. Curcumin, the principal component responsible for the pharmacological action of Curcuma longa, has been proven to exhibit a diverse range of functions. These manifest in hypothermic and hypotensive effects, while also performing roles such as being an anticoagulant, antivenom, antiprotozoal, antifungal, antibacterial, and 30 participants in the Placebo group. The safety analysis population of trial 2 included 22 participants in TS-P1 and 20 participants in the Placebo group. In both Trial 1 and Trial 2, few participants were observed to experience adverse events and however these were not adverse events related to the CR-033P or TS-P1. Results of urinalysis and blood analysis were confirmed to not exhibit medically problematic changes related to the CR-033P or TS-P1. Conclusions: These trials proved the safety of the long-term intake of CR-033P or TS-PI-(as curcumin 150mg/ day) and the safety of the excessive intake of TS-P1 for four weeks (as curcumin 750mg/ day). TS-P1 and CR-033P can be considered a safe curcumin supplement based on these results.
was significantly increased compared to baseline. However, those numbers were changes in the reference range [28] . In a previous study of 8-week intake, there was a significant difference in total bilirubin, Ibil, and triglyceride from placebo group, but the changes were showed to be within the reference range [9] . Based on the results of such previous studies, we further confirmed whether there were any items outside the reference range (Appendix 1, 2). As a result, the item that showed outside the standard value during the test period was the uric acid level of TS-P1 8 weeks after administration, as shown in Appendix 1. The uric acid levels were examined in each subject case and confirmed that no medically problematic changes occurred due to the intake of the test food. Drawing conclusions from Trial 1 and Trial 2 outcomes, it is substantiated that the safety of ingesting 150 mg/day curcumin equivalent of CR-033P or TS-P1 over a 12-week duration, alongside the ingestion of 750 mg/day curcumin equivalent of TS-P1 for 4 weeks, has been confirmed. CONCLUSION: We investigated the safety of high bioavailability curcumin TS-P1 and CR-033P in healthy Japanese adults. These trials found that the safety of consuming 150 mg/day of curcumin is equivalent to TS-P1 or CR-033P for 12 weeks and 750 mg/day of curcumin equivalent of TS-P1 for 4 weeks. Therefore, the intake of TS-P1 and CR-033P to receive possible health benefits proves to be safe in healthy individuals. List of..
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DOI record: { "DOI": "10.31989/ffhd.v13i12.1207", "ISSN": [ "2160-3855", "2378-7007" ], "URL": "", "abstract": "<jats:p>Background:  Curcumin is the principal component responsible for the pharmacological action of Curcuma longa. It has been proven to exhibit a diverse range of functions. It has been used in many fields as a spice, coloring agent, cosmetic, and food preservative.Objective: To evaluate the safety of the intake of highly bioavailable curcumin (CR-033P and TS-P1) in humans. Methods: We conducted two trials. The participants were healthy Japanese adults.  Participants of tria1 1 (Long-term intake trial) took CR-033P or TS-P1 for 12 weeks (as curcumin 150 mg/day). Participants of Trial 2 (Excessive intake trial) took TS-P1 for 4 weeks (as curcumin 750 mg/day).  The safety assessment involved monitoring the occurrence of side effects or adverse events, along with the analysis of urinalysis and blood parameters.Results: The safety analysis population of Trial 1 included 33 participants in the CR-033P group, 32 participants TS-P1, and 30 participants in the Placebo group. The safety analysis population of trial 2 included 22 participants in TS-P1 and 20 participants in the Placebo group. In both Trial 1 and Trial 2, few participants were observed to experience adverse events and  however these were not adverse events related to the CR-033P or TS-P1. Results of urinalysis and blood analysis were confirmed to not exhibit medically problematic changes related to the CR-033P or TS-P1.Conclusions: These trials proved the safety of the long-term intake of CR-033P or TS-PI- (as curcumin 150mg/ day) and the safety of the excessive intake of TS- P1 for four weeks (as curcumin 750mg/ day). TS-P1 and CR-033P can be considered a safe curcumin supplement based on these results.     Keywords: Curcumin, bioavailability, safety, high dose, long term dose, Healthy Japanese Adults, BMI, Blood pressure Trial registration: Trial 1: UMIN000046160, Trial 2: UMIN000048797. Foundation:Theravalues Corporation</jats:p>", "author": [ { "affiliation": [], "family": "Lee", "given": "Hyunjin", "sequence": "first" }, { "affiliation": [], "family": "Kuwabara", "given": "Yoshitaka", "sequence": "additional" }, { "affiliation": [], "family": "Hirose", "given": "Akiko", "sequence": "additional" }, { "affiliation": [], "family": "Kakinuma", "given": "Toshihiro", "sequence": "additional" }, { "affiliation": [], "family": "Baba", "given": "Asami", "sequence": "additional" }, { "affiliation": [], "family": "Takara", "given": "Tsuyoshi", "sequence": "additional" } ], "container-title": "Functional Foods in Health and Disease", "container-title-short": "FFHD", "content-domain": { "crossmark-restriction": false, "domain": [] }, "created": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 20 ] ], "date-time": "2023-12-20T19:51:06Z", "timestamp": 1703101866000 }, "deposited": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 20 ] ], "date-time": "2023-12-20T19:51:07Z", "timestamp": 1703101867000 }, "indexed": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 21 ] ], "date-time": "2023-12-21T00:25:21Z", "timestamp": 1703118321128 }, "is-referenced-by-count": 0, "issue": "12", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 20 ] ] }, "journal-issue": { "issue": "12", "published-online": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 7 ] ] } }, "license": [ { "URL": "", "content-version": "unspecified", "delay-in-days": 0, "start": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 20 ] ], "date-time": "2023-12-20T00:00:00Z", "timestamp": 1703030400000 } } ], "link": [ { "URL": "", "content-type": "unspecified", "content-version": "vor", "intended-application": "text-mining" }, { "URL": "", "content-type": "application/pdf", "content-version": "vor", "intended-application": "text-mining" }, { "URL": "", "content-type": "unspecified", "content-version": "vor", "intended-application": "similarity-checking" } ], "member": "17268", "original-title": [], "prefix": "10.31989", "published": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 20 ] ] }, "published-online": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 12, 20 ] ] }, "publisher": "Functional Food Center", "reference-count": 0, "references-count": 0, "relation": {}, "resource": { "primary": { "URL": "" } }, "score": 1, "short-title": [], "source": "Crossref", "subject": [ "Nutrition and Dietetics", "Biochemistry", "Medicine (miscellaneous)", "Food Science" ], "subtitle": [], "title": "Safety evaluation of high bioavailability curcumin in Healthy Japanese Adults: A Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group comparison study", "type": "journal-article", "volume": "13" }
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